(A)   Technique priority, The priority for afforestation and reforestation, after techniques for retaining existing forest on the site have been exhausted, is as follows:
      (1)   On site afforestation or reforestation, if technically feasible, using natural regeneration or tree planting techniques which meet the requirements of the Technical Manual;
      (2)   Off site afforestation or reforestation within the county, using natural regeneration or tree planting techniques which meet the requirements of the Technical Manual;
      (3)   Purchase of credit from a county approved forest bank. Use of a forest bank may be approved if on site afforestation or reforestation and off site afforestation or reforestation are deemed impossible, impractical, or when complying with those higher priorities would create an undue hardship.
   (B)   Location priority. Reforestation or afforestation shall, if technically feasible, be conducted in the following order of priority:
      (1)   Establish or enhance forest buffers adjacent to streams, to widths of at least 50 feet;
      (2)   Establish or increase existing forested corridors to connect existing forests within or adjacent to the site, and where practical, forested corridors should be a minimum of 300 feet in width to facilitate wildlife movement;
      (3)   Establish or enhance forest buffers adjacent to critical habitats where appropriate;
      (4)   Establish or enhance areas in the 100-year floodplains;
      (5)   Stabilize slopes of 25% or greater and slopes of 15% or greater with a Soil K value greater than 0.35 including the slopes of ravines or other natural depressions;
      (6)   Establish buffers between areas of differing land uses where appropriate; and
      (7)   Establish forest areas adjacent to existing forests so as to increase the overall area of contiguous forest cover, where appropriate.
   (C)   Time frames.
      (1)   Any planting areas proposed outside the approved limits of disturbance may be planted upon approval of the FCP.
      (2)   A person required to conduct afforestation or reforestation on-site shall accomplish it within one year of grading final approval.
      (3)   A person required to conduct afforestation or reforestation off site shall accomplish it within one year of the issuance of the grading or building permit.
      (4)   A person required to purchase forest bank credit shall do so after the final FCP is approved but before grading or building permit approval. If mylars are required for a project, forest bank credit shall be purchased prior to mylar approval.
(2004 Code, § 115-10) (Ord. 98-4, passed 11-18-1998; Ord. 02-03, passed 3-14-2002; Ord. 03-04, passed 1-30-2003; Ord. 04-05, passed 4-1-2004; Ord. 2011-03, passed 5-17-2011; Ord. 2022-11, passed 8-25-2022)