(A)   Bulk requirements in the Commercial Districts. For the purposes of this section, adjoin or adjoining means two or more parcels that share a common property line or point of intersection of two property lines.
      (1)   The following requirements shall be observed for nonresidential and group living uses in the commercial districts, subject to the provisions of § 158.130:
         (a)   Front yard: minimum 10 feet.
         (b)   Side yard: minimum 10 feet.
         (c)   Rear yard: minimum 15 feet.
         (d)   Height: maximum 50 feet.
      (2)   The following requirements shall be observed for properties in the Commercial Districts that adjoin a property in a Residential District, subject to the provisions of § 158.130. Provided, any existing nonresidential building, or any proposed nonresidential building for which a conditional use application has been filed or approved, or a development plan has been submitted and accepted for review, prior to February 15, 2024, shall not be subject to these provisions, but shall be subject to the requirements in division (A)(1) above:
         (a)   Front yard: minimum 10 feet.
         (b)   Side yard: minimum 15 feet.
         (c)   Rear yard: minimum 15 feet.
         (d)   Height: maximum 35 feet.
      (3)   Additional bulk requirements for Planned Commercial Centers are as provided for in § 155.092.
      (4)   The bulk requirements for dwellings in the Rural Villages shall be the same as in the R-10,000 District, and where adjoining any Residence District, the side yard shall be not less than 25 feet.
      (5)   The bulk requirements for dwellings not in the Rural Villages shall be as follows:
         (a)   For dwellings that were in the B-NR District, the bulk requirements shall be the same as in the R-10,000 District, and where adjoining any Residence District, the side yard shall be not less than 25 feet.
         (b)   For dwellings that were in the B-G District, the bulk requirements shall be the same as in the R-7,500 District, and where adjoining any Residence District, the side yard shall not be less than 15 feet.
      (6)   The bulk requirements for age-restricted housing shall be the same as for nonresidential uses.
      (7)   Within a Business Park, the yards on both sides of an interior lot line may be zero, and the Planning Commission may reduce other yard requirements. Where a zero yard is proposed, setbacks, buffers and/or landscape screening requirements shall not be applicable.
   (B)   Bulk requirements in the Industrial Districts.
      (1)   The following requirements shall be observed in the industrial districts, subject to the provisions of § 158.130:
         (a)   Front yard: minimum 10 feet.
         (b)   Side yard: minimum 20 feet.
         (c)   Rear yard: minimum 20 feet.
         (d)   Height: maximum 50 feet.
   (C)   Bulk requirements for accessory uses in the commercial and industrial districts shall be as set forth in § 158.130(C)(2).
   (D)   Within a Business/Industrial Park or an Industrial Park, the yards on both sides of an interior lot line may be zero, and the Planning Commission may reduce other yard requirements. Where a zero yard is proposed, setbacks, buffers and/or landscape screening requirements shall not be applicable.
(Ord. 2019-06, passed 12-12-2019; Ord. 2022-17, passed 11-22-2022; Ord. 2024-01, passed 2-15-2024; Ord. 2024-11, passed 12-5-2024)