(A)   The storage of sewage sludge is allowed in any district at a publicly owned wastewater treatment plant as an accessory use to the treatment of sewage, septage, or other wastes.
   (B)   The storage of pelletized or granular dried sewage sludge, or any derivative thereof, is allowed in any district as a principal permitted use certified by the Zoning Administrator under the following specific conditions:
      (1)   The pelletized or granular dried sewage sludge to be stored shall be of a Class A grade as defined by the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or equivalent definition by the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE);
      (2)   The pelletized or granular dried sewage sludge storage facility shall possess all valid and necessary state and federal permits for the storage, handling, and transportation of pelletized or granular dried sewage sludge;
      (3)   The pelletized or granular dried sewage sludge storage facility shall be a closed contained system with adequate fire suppression;
      (4)   The pelletized or granular dried sewage sludge storage facility shall have adequate ventilation for air exchange to maintain appropriate worker protection and filtration for fine particulate and other potential airborne emissions for external venting of internal air; and
      (5)   The quantity of pelletized or granular dried sewage sludge stored shall be reported to the Zoning Administrator on a monthly basis.
   (C)   The storage of sewage sludge is prohibited, unless authorized in division (A) or (B) above.
   (D)   (1)   Land application of sewage sludge, if properly permitted by the MDE, is allowed as an agricultural use; provided, however, that the application of sewage sludge shall be subject to the distance requirements of § 158.040. The Zoning Administrator may reduce the distance requirements of § 158.040 to that buffer distance authorized by the MDE, if to do so would not adversely affect the adjoining property affected thereby, in the sound discretion of the Zoning Administrator.
      (2)   The storage of sewage sludge is not accessory to the application of sewage sludge.
(Ord. 2019-06, passed 12-12-2019) Penalty, see § 158.999