The grading plan checklist requirements relating to this code must be adhered to and at a minimum the following:
   (A)   Contours. Existing and proposed contours shall be included for the entire development. Existing contours shall be provided 50 feet beyond each property line.
   (B)   Slopes. All slopes 2:1 or steeper shall be indicated on the plan.
   (C)   Plan scale. The grading plan shall be presented at a scale no smaller than one inch equals 50 feet. Two-foot contour intervals are required on all grading plan submittals.
   (D)   Minimum slopes. The minimum allowable slope on all blacktop areas is 1%. The minimum allowable slope on all unpaved swales and drainage courses is 2% except when specifically approved as SWM features. Proper drainage shall be achieved, regardless of slope.
   (E)   Spot elevations. Spot elevations shall be required at critical locations on the grading plan.
(2004 Code, § 121-22) (Ord. 2012-09, passed 12-11-2012)