§ 111.28 NOTICES.
   (A)   Annual notice to subscribers. At the time service is installed to a subscriber and at least once annually afterwards, and at any time on request, the cable operator shall provide each subscriber with written information concerning:
      (1)   Products and services offered;
      (2)   Prices, including a schedule of rates and charges, and options for programming services and conditions of subscription to programming and other services;
      (3)   Installation and service maintenance policies, delinquent subscriber reconnect and disconnect procedures, and any other of its policies applicable to subscribers;
      (4)   Written instructions on how to use the cable services and for placing a service call;
      (5)   Channel positions of programming carried on the cable system;
      (6)   The procedures for making inquiries or complaints, including the title, address, local telephone number, and email address of the employee or agent to whom inquiries or complaints are to be addressed;
      (7)   CCRC official responsible for regulating the franchise, including the name, telephone number, and email address of the official;
      (8)   The cable operator’s business hours, legal holidays, and procedures for responding to inquiries after normal business hours;
      (9)   A copy of the service contract applicable to the subscriber, if any; and
      (10)   A written notice regarding subscriber’s privacy rights pursuant to 47 U.S.C. § 551.
   (B)   Notification of changes.
      (1)   A cable operator shall provide to all subscribers and to CCRC at least 30 days written notice before the implementation of any change in rates, programming services, channel positions, business hours, legal holidays, or procedures for responding to inquiries after normal business hours, unless such change is beyond the control of the cable operator, in which case the cable operator shall provide the maximum possible notice up to the 30 days specified herein.
      (2)   In addition to the requirement of division (B)(1) above, a cable operator shall give at least 30 days written notice to subscribers and to CCRC before implementing any rate or service change. Such notice shall state the precise amount of any rate change and briefly explain in readily understandable fashion the cause of the rate change (e.g., inflation, change in external costs, addition/deletion of channels). When the change involves the addition or deletion of channels, each channel added or deleted shall be separately identified. For purpose of the carriage of digital broadcast signals, the operator need only identify for subscribers the television signal added and not whether that signal may be multiplexed during certain dayparts.
      (3)   At least five working days before distributing a subscriber notice, unless waived by CCRC, the cable operator shall provide to the officer the specific points to be contained in a subscriber notice and the text of the subscriber notice, if available. If the text is not available, it shall be provided to CCRC as soon as it is available.
      (4)   A cable operator shall file with CCRC copies of all notices provided to subscribers.
(2004 Code, § 93-15) (Ord. 41, passed 4-28-1983; Ord. 08-10, passed 12-18-2008)