Eligible employees receive paid holiday leave subject to the following.
(A) The County Commissioners shall establish a schedule of holidays on an annual basis. A Director/Administrator may permit or require that a holiday be observed by an employee on a day other than the scheduled holiday. If an employee is required to report for work on a County Commissioner sanctioned holiday, the employee shall receive holiday pay in addition to hours worked on the holiday. If, in the sole discretion of the County Commissioners, overtime budgeted resources are determined to be inadequate to pay the holiday leave plus hours worked on the holiday, the employee shall bank the holiday leave to be utilized at another time during the fiscal year.
(B) Holiday leave accrual shall be based on the following:
(1) An employee hired and assigned to a non-standard schedule prior to March 1, 2017 shall accrue holiday leave based on assigned schedule workday hours.
(2) An employee hired or assigned to a non-standard schedule on or after March 1, 2017 shall accrue holiday leave at the rate of 1/5 of employee's weekly base hours.
(3) Employees assigned to an agency that alternates between standard and non-standard schedules will accrue holiday leave as stated in B(l) and (2) of this section.
(C) If an employee is not normally scheduled to work on the day of the week the Commissioner sanctioned holiday falls:
(1) An employee hired and assigned to a non-standard schedule prior to March 1, 2017 shall bank holiday leave based on weekly base hours divided by the number of days worked per week to be used at a later date in the fiscal year.
(2) An employee hired or assigned to a non-standard schedule on or after March 1, 2017 shall bank holiday leave at the rate of 1/5 of employee's weekly base hours to be used at a later date in the fiscal year.
(3) Employees assigned to an agency that alternates between standard and non-standard schedules will bank holiday leave as stated in C(l) and (2) of this section.
(D) Banked holiday leave must be used by the last day of the last pay period in June of the fiscal year, and shall not be carried forward to the next year. Upon termination of county employment, no employee will be compensated for unused holiday leave.
(E) Eligible employees include regular full-time and part-time employees and employees on initial probation.
(F) An employee must be on active status immediately prior to and following the holiday in order to receive paid holiday leave.
(G) Full-time and part-time employees shall receive paid holiday leave for all County Commissioner-determined holidays.
(H) If an employee is required to report for work on a holiday, and is absent on the holiday without approved leave, the employee forfeits paid or banked holiday leave and may be otherwise disciplined.
(2004 Code, § 48-28) (Ord. 2017-01, passed 2-16-2017; Ord. 2022-08, passed 7-28-2022)