1.   Statement of Intent. The intent of the “B-3” District is to establish a Central Business District for a variety of retail establishments, government and professional offices, and places of entertainment in a setting conducive to and safe for a high volume of automotive and pedestrian traffic. This district differs from the “B-2” District in that no off-street parking is required (except for multi-family dwellings) thereby creating and maintaining a concentrated commercial center.
2.   Principal Permitted Uses. A building or premises shall be used only for the following purposes:
A.   All principal permitted uses in the “B-2” District.
3.   Special Uses. The following special uses are permitted in the “B-3” District only in accordance with the provisions set forth hereinafter:
A.   All special uses permitted in the “B-2” District.
4.   Minimum Requirements. The following minimum requirements shall be observed:
A.   Lot Area: None
B.   Yard Requirements:
Front Yard - None.
Side Yard - None.
Rear Yard - None.
5.   Off-Street Parking Requirements. None, except for dwelling units, which shall provide for two (2) parking spaces per dwelling units.