The term “controlled access facility” means a highway or street especially designed for through traffic, and over, from or to which owners or occupants of abutting land or other persons have no right or easement or only a controlled right or easement of access, light, air, or view by reason of the fact that their property abuts upon such controlled access facility or for any other reason.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 306A.2)
No person has any right of ingress or egress to or from abutting lands onto or across any controlled access facility, except at such designated points at which access is permitted.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 306A.4)
There are hereby fixed and established controlled access facilities within the City, described as follows:
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 306A.3)
1.   Project No. U-721 and FN-721. On the Primary Road System extension improvement, Project No. U-721 and FN-721, Primary Road No. U.S. 30, within the City, described as follows:
From Station 574+02 to Station 625+82,
regulating access to and from abutting properties along said highway all in accordance with the plans for such improvement identified as Project No. U-721 and FN-721, on file in the office of the Clerk.
2.   Project No. FN-154 & F154(5). On the Primary Road System extension improvement, Project No. FN-154 & F154(5), Primary Road No. U.S. 71, within the City, described as follows:
From Station 870+40 to Station 949+05,
regulating access to and from abutting properties along said highway all in accordance with the plans for such improvement identified as Project No. FN-154 & F154(5), on file in the office of the Clerk.
It is unlawful for any person to:
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 306A.3 and 321.366)
1.   Cross Dividing Line. Drive a vehicle over, upon, or across any curb, central dividing section, or other separation or dividing line on such controlled access facilities.
2.   Turns. Make a left turn or a semicircular or U-turn except through an opening provided for that purpose in the dividing curb section, separation, or line.
3.   Use of Lanes. Drive any vehicle except in the proper lane provided for that purpose and in the proper direction and to the right of the central dividing curb, separation, section, or line.
4.   Enter Facility. Drive any vehicle into the controlled access facility from a local service road except through an opening provided for that purpose in the dividing curb or dividing section or dividing line that separates such service road from the controlled access facility property.
The maximum speed limits on said projects are hereby established as follows:
1.   U.S. 30. Speed limits on U.S. 30 are as follows:
   A.   45 mph from 300 feet west of Burgess Avenue to 750 feet west of U.S. 71.
   B.   35 mph from 750 feet west of U.S. 71 to 50 feet west of Crawford Street.
   C.   25 mph from 50 feet west of Crawford Street to 50 feet east of Clark Street.
   D.   35 mph from 50 feet east of Clark Street to 1,000 feet east of Vine Street.
   E.   45 mph from 1,000 feet east of Vine Street to 50 feet east of Griffith Road.
2.   U.S. 71. Speed limits on U.S. 71 are as follows:
   A.   45 mph from 1850 feet south of Third Street to 450 feet south of Third Street.
   B.   35 mph from 450 feet south of Third Street to 200 feet north of Eighteenth Street.
   C.   45 mph from 200 feet north of Eighteenth Street to 2,350 feet north of Eighteenth Street.
The parking of vehicles on or along controlled access facilities is restricted as follows:
1.   Minor Street Approaches. Parking shall be prohibited on all minor street approaches for a distance of thirty-five (35) feet in advance of the stop sign.
2.   Minor Street Exits. Parking shall be prohibited on the exit side of a minor street for a distance of 35 feet.
3.   Project No. U-721 & FN-721. Parking of any nature is prohibited on Project No. U-721 & FN-721 in its entirety.
4.   Project No. FN-154 & F154(5). Parking of any nature is prohibited on Project No. FN-154 & F154(5) in its entirety.