The Human Services Commission shall have the following functions and duties:
   (A)   To represent the community at large in matters of social service and social policy and to advise the Village President and Board of Trustees in regard to these matters;
   (B)   To identify the social service needs of the residents of the village and to work with existing entities to address these needs in the most meaningful way;
   (C)   To promote community involvement in addressing the various social service concerns within the village;
   (D)   To work with local organization to coordinate and publicize the use of all social, recreational and assistance facilities available to the residents of the village;
   (E)   To submit annually, prior to January 1 of each year, and in its first year, prior to March 1, a written program for human services with a recommended budget sufficient to administer such program, in a form satisfactory to the Village Manager; and
   (F)   Upon the approval of the President and Board of Trustees of the recommended program and budget, the Human Services Commission shall monitor or undertake the implementation of the human services program.