(A)   If an administrative and public safety fee is imposed pursuant to this article, the fee shall constitute a debt due and owing the Village of Carol Stream. The village may collect on the debt using all means permitted by law, including, without limitation, obtaining a judgment on the debt and enforcing such judgment against the owner, or disposing of vehicle as unclaimed vehicle.
   (B)   The village may commence legal proceedings to collect an unpaid administrative and public safety fee, or take actions to dispose of the impounded vehicle:
      (1)   Thirty-five days after a determination was made at the requested hearing that the seizure and impound was proper, and no petition was filed in the Circuit Court seeking judicial review of the Administrative Hearing Officer’s determination or other review;
      (2)   Thirty days after a final order is rendered by a judge of the Circuit Court whenever a petition seeking judicial review was filed by a party; or
      (3)   Fifteen days after the notice referenced in § 8-8-6, was mailed and the administrative hearing was waived in writing.
(Ord. 2010-01-02, passed 1-19-2010; Ord. 2012-02-02, passed 2-6-2012)