Massage establishments shall be permitted as a special use and shall meet the following provisions:
   (A)   Massage establishments shall be subject to the regulations of Chapter 10 Article 13 (Massage Establishments) of the Code of Ordinances.
   (B)   A massage establishment operating as a principal use shall be located on the ground floor of the subject building.
   (C)   The public entrance to establishments offering massage therapy in private rooms shall be clearly visible from the street or main public parking area, unless such establishment was licensed prior to the passage of this section.
   (D)   Features of the massage establishment, such as the floor plan, transparency of the front reception area, hours of operation, and staffing levels, which are specifically included in the approved license for the business, shall not be modified without first obtaining prior approval. The Community Development Director shall review such proposed changes, referring the business to a public meeting or public hearing as needed.
(Ord. 2021-09-45, passed 9-20-2021)