(A)   The Village of Carol Stream prohibits retaliation, or threats of retaliation, made against a Village of Carol Stream employee based on the employee's reporting of improper governmental actions, cooperating with investigations into the same, and/or testifying in a proceeding arising out of an improper governmental action.
   (B)   Retaliation means any adverse change in an employee's employment status or the terms and conditions of employment that results from an employee's protected activity under this policy. Retaliation includes, but is not limited to, denial of adequate staff to perform duties; frequent staff changes; frequent and undesirable office changes; refusal to assign meaningful work; unsubstantiated letters of reprimand or unsatisfactory performance evaluations; demotion; reduction in pay; denial of promotion; transfer or reassignment; suspension or dismissal; or other disciplinary action made because of an employee's protected activity under this policy.
(Ord. 2021-09-43, passed 9-7-2021)