The developer shall be responsible for the design and construction of both public land improvements and private land improvements that will serve the future development. The land improvements shall be in accordance with Article 16-5 of this UDO, the village's Manual of Design Standards and Construction Specifications, and the requirements hereinafter, which shall at a minimum consist of the following:
   (A)   Streets, including curb and gutters, street lighting, parkway landscaping and trees, traffic signs and striping, sidewalks, shared use paths, and any other safety-related appurtenances.
   (B)   Street name signs, traffic control signs, and pavement striping and markings.
      (1)   Street name signs. The developer shall provide and install street name signs at each intersection, preferably at the northwest corner, whose street names shall be as shown on the approved plat of subdivision.
      (2)   Traffic control signs. The developer shall provide traffic control signs including, but not limited to, stop, yield and speed limit signs.
      (3)   Pavement striping and markings. The developer shall provide pavement striping and intersection pavement marking on new streets, as well as revising any existing striping and marking impacted by the subject subdivision.
   (C)   Sidewalks and/or shared use paths, ADA ramps, and crosswalks.
      (1)   Sidewalk. Sidewalks shall be provided throughout the subdivision on both sides of the street within the dedicated right-of-way.
      (2)   Shared-use paths. Shared-use paths shall be provided when shown in the comprehensive plan and considered when an existing path is within a quarter-mile of the subdivision boundary. Shared-use paths may be used in lieu of sidewalks on collector or arterial streets.
   (D)   Sanitary sewer system, including service lines to each lot, manholes, lift stations and force main and other related appurtenances.
      (1)   When a sanitary sewer is required in a residential rear or side yard to connect to an existing system or to provide for a future extension, a minimum easement of 20 feet shall be provided.
      (2)   Sanitary service lines shall be installed prior to the construction of any pavement within dedicated right-of-way or shall be installed via a trenchless method. The service shall be installed at least to the property line, its end sealed to prevent infiltration, and its location marked and recorded.
   (E)   Water distribution system, including service lines to each lot, fire hydrants, valves, and other related appurtenances.
      (1)   When a watermain is required in a residential rear or side yard to connect to an existing system or to provide for a future extension, a minimum easement of 20 feet shall be provided.
   (F)   Water service lines shall be installed prior to the construction any pavement within dedicated right-of-way or shall be installed via a trenchless method. The service shall be installed to the property line and terminated with a shut-off valve and enclosure.
   (G)   Stormwater management facilities, including site runoff storage, post-construction best management practices, and major and minor stormwater systems, as well as earthwork to ensure proper drainage throughout the development.
(Ord. 2021-05-15, passed 5-3-2021)