(A)   Intent and purpose.
      (1)   To protect residential areas from adverse impacts that are sometimes associated with home occupations;
      (2)   Maintain and preserve the character of residential neighborhoods;
      (3)   Provide for the protection of the health, safety and welfare of all village residents; and
      (4)   Afford all residents of the village a broad choice in the use of their home to produce or supplement personal and family income in our ever changing society.
   (B)   Performance Standards.
      (1)   Only lawful activities that involve the performance of a business or occupation that is a permitted use or special use within the zoning districts contained within this chapter may be conducted within a home occupation. Exception: a person who possesses a valid federal firearms license may carry out that business as a home occupation; provided that, all other regulations of this section are complied with.
      (2)   It is conducted entirely within the dwelling by a member of the housekeeping unit residing in the dwelling, and not more than one additional non-resident assistant or employee on the premises.
      (3)   Home occupations shall not involve the use of any accessory building, second structure or outside storage of materials or equipment.
      (4)   There is no display or activity that will indicate from the exterior of the dwelling that it is being used in whole or in part for any use other than a dwelling.
      (5)   There shall be no structural alterations or special construction features inconsistent with a residential use. There shall be no separate outside entrance provided solely for the occupation.
      (6)   The noise, dust, glare, odors, noxious fumes, vibrations or smoke emanating from the premises should not exceed that which is normally produced by a single-unit dwelling.
      (7)   Equipment which is necessary to the occupation may be used; provided, it does not create visible or audible interference in radio or television receivers or phones and it does not cause fluctuations in line voltage off the premises.
      (8)   It does not generate significantly greater traffic volume than normally expected in a residential area, except as outlined elsewhere in this section, and deliveries to the occupation by the United States Postal Service, UPS, Federal Express or any other licensed delivery service do not exceed what would normally be expected in a residential area.
      (9)   The parking of customer's or client's vehicles should not create safety hazards or unusual congestion. If the occupation is of the type that customers or clients visit the premises frequently, there shall be no more than four clients or customers in the dwelling unit or on the premises during any period of 60 consecutive minutes. Motor vehicle traffic generated by the occupation shall be prohibited from visiting the premises between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., except for childcare operations. Motor vehicle traffic associated with the occupation shall be limited to no more than four vehicles during any period of 60 consecutive minutes. The number of additional customers, clients or motor vehicles can be increased to not more than eight to allow for the type of occupation that involves classes, demonstrations, meetings, students, day care or other similar occupations.
      (10)   A day care facility may provide outdoor supervised recreation on the property during reasonably limited periods.
      (11)   The use shall comply with all local, state or federal regulations pertinent to the activity involved. The operation shall not be construed as an exemption from any such regulations, including but not limited to any regulation or requirement regarding licensing; storage of drugs, pharmaceuticals, chemicals and the like; the disposal of any drugs, pharmaceuticals, chemicals and the like.
      (12)   All persons engaging in home occupation activities for which a federal firearms license is required shall store firearms either in locked cases or in racks in which the firearms are securely locked to the racks. Firearms ammunition shall only be stored in locked cases.
(Ord. 2021-05-15, passed 5-3-2021)