§ 16-2-25 DEFINITIONS - Y.
   (A)   YARD, ACTUAL. The actual yard is bounded by the applicable lot line(s) and the actual building setback as established by the principal building or use of land.
   (B)   YARD, COURT. A yard formed by the enclosure of space on more than two sides by a building or buildings.
   (C)   YARD, FRONT. A yard which is bounded by the side lot lines, front lot line and the front yard line, or the established setback line when 40% or more of the lots fronting on one side of a street within a block are improved with principal buildings or uses of land.
   (D)   YARD, INTERIOR SIDE. Aside yard which adjoins another lot or an alley separating such side yard from another lot, and which is bounded by the rear yard line, front yard line, side yard line and interior side lot line.
   (E)   YARD LINE. A line in a lot that is parallel to the lot line along which the applicable yard extends and which is not nearer to such lot line at any point than the required depth or width of the applicable yard otherwise contained within this Zoning Code. Yard lines shall be created for each type of yard for which a required depth or width is established within the Zoning Code. A principal or accessory building, structure or other obstruction shall not encroach into the area between any yard line and an adjacent lot line except for such permitted obstructions in yards as are set forth in this chapter.
   (F)   YARD, REAR. A yard which is bounded by the interior side lot line(s), required yard line adjoining a street (if applicable), rear lot line and the rear yard line.
   (G)   YARD, REQUIRED. The required yard is bounded by the applicable lot line(s) and required yard line(s). Unless noted otherwise, references to YARD in the Zoning Code refer to the required yard.
   (H)   YARD, SIDE, ADJOINING A STREET (CORNER SIDE YARD). A yard which is bounded by the front yard line, side yard line, side lot line adjoining a street and rear lot line. A side yard adjoining a street shall extend across the entire length of a lot from the front yard line to the rear lot line.
(Ord. 2021-05-15, passed 5-3-2021)