§ 16-2-5 DEFINITIONS - E.
   (A)   EFFICIENCY UNIT. A dwelling unit consisting of one principal room for living, sleeping and eating, plus facilities for cooking and complete bath and toilet facilities.
   (B)   EMPLOYMENT TRAINING AND VOCATIONAL CENTER. Educational and vocational training establishment for adults providing activities which include, but are not limited to:
      (1)   Vocational training services that provide test preparation, employment soft skills, life skills and self-improvement classes; employment certification classes such as forklift operations and IT certification classes; and an introduction to vocational training for auto maintenance and repair, furniture repair and electrical appliance repair.
      (2)   Adult educational services that include GED study classes, college preparation classes such as remedial (pre-college) math and writing classes, and first- and second-year college and vocational classes provided by a higher education college institution.
      (3)   Office activities that support educational and vocational services such as case management and counseling services, administrative functions and all other administrative and support activities typical of a business, vocational education or social service office.
   (C)   ESTABLISHMENT, BUSINESS. Any lawful commercial endeavor to engage in the manufacturing, purchase, sale, lease, or exchange of goods, and/or the provision of services.
   (D)   EXTENDED STAY HOTEL. An establishment containing lodging rooms, for occupancy by transient guests in contrast to a hotel. Units contain kitchen facilities for food preparation including but not limited to such facilities as refrigerators, stoves and ovens. Extended-stay hotels may contain lobbies, conference rooms, meeting rooms, child play areas, or restaurants.
(Ord. 2021-05-15, passed 5-3-2021)