§ 11-3-2 DUTY OF HOST.
   (A)   It shall be the duty of each person who controls a premise to take reasonable steps to ensure that underage persons do not possess or consume alcoholic beverages or illicit drugs on such premises.
   (B)   Reasonable steps shall include, but not be limited to:
      (1)   Controlling underaged persons access to alcoholic beverages or illicit drugs,
      (2)   Supervising underaged persons activities at any gathering on such premises,
      (3)   Controlling the quantity of alcoholic beverages,
      (4)   Verifying the age of persons being served, in possession of or consuming alcoholic beverages at any gathering,
      (5)   Notifying law enforcement of underage possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages or illicit drugs and allowing the law enforcement officers to enter the premises for stopping the possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages or illicit drugs by underage persons.
      (6)   Notifying law enforcement in advance of departing the premises that the owner, lessee, tenant, or person in control of a premise will be away and no underage person is authorized to be present and consume or be in possession of any alcoholic beverage or illicit drugs on the premises.
(Ord. 2019-04-13, passed 4-1-2019)