(A)   Prices for all services shall be prominently posted in the reception area in a location available to all prospective customers on a placard of at least eight inches by ten inches.
   (B)   All employees, including massage therapists, shall wear nontransparent outer garments.
   (C)   The sexual or genital areas of patrons must be covered with nontransparent towels, cloths, or undergarments when in the presence of an employee or massage therapist.
   (D)   No massage therapist, employee, or licensee shall perform, offer, or agree to perform any act, which shall require the touching of a patron's sexual or genital area.
   (E)   Any reception or waiting area shall be open to the public and visible from outside of the immediate entrance of establishment, e.g., storefront windows and any entrance door shall be transparent and unobstructed. Any exterior windows or doors with a view to the waiting area or reception area must be free of any posting or material that would obstruct the view of the waiting area or reception area from the outside of the establishment. No massage establishment shall be equipped with tinted or one-way glass in any room or office. No doors to corridors or individual massage rooms shall be equipped with a lock or shall be obstructed.
   (F)   No massage establishment granted a license under the provisions of this article shall place, publish or distribute or cause to be placed, published or distributed any advertisement, picture, or statement which is known or through the exercise of reasonable care should be known to be false, deceptive or misleading in order to induce any person to purchase or utilize any professional massage services.
   (G)   No massage establishment granted a license under the provisions of this article shall depict, place, publish, distribute, or cause to be depicted, placed, published, or distributed any advertising matter that suggests to prospective patrons that any services are available other than those services permitted by this article, or which would suggest that employees or massage therapists are dressed in any manner other than that permitted by this article.
   (H)   No advertising will suggest or describe the physical characteristics of employees or massage therapists.
   (I)   No person shall be denied a massage or access to the massage establishment because of gender.
   (J)   No massage establishment or employee of any massage establishment may display or offer to others any novelties, instruments, devices, or paraphernalia that are designed primarily for use in connection with specified sexual activities or that give the appearance of or simulate any of the specified anatomical areas.
   (K)   An owner or manager of the massage establishment must be present during all operating hours.
(Ord. 2018-05-19, passed 5-7-2018)