(A)   When the village’s Police Department responds to false alarms received from the same premises more than three times in a 12-month period of a calendar year (January through December), which are not due to factors beyond the control of the alarm user, the alarm user or subscriber shall pay the village the following amount within 30 days after receiving notification of the fourth false alarm:
4 to 9 responses occurring in a calendar year
$50 each
10 to 19 responses occurring in a calendar year
$100 each
20 or more responses in a calendar year
$250 each
   (B)   If payment is not received within the 30-day period, as provided above, the charge for such response shall be increased to double the amount of the initial response charge.
(Ord. 94-02-18, passed 2-22-1994; Ord. 2003-11-76, passed 11-17-2003)