All persons owning or controlling or having in their custody any fowl or rabbit confined in pens or enclosures on their premises shall maintain pens and enclosures in which any fowl or rabbit is kept according to the following conditions:
   (A)   Shall be a minimum of 30 feet from any property line;
   (B)   Must be used for fowl or rabbits only and must be well ventilated;
   (C)   Shall have a minimum of four square feet of floor area for each fowl or rabbit;
   (D)   Shall be kept clean, sanitary and free from accumulation of excrement and objectionable odors and shall be cleaned daily; and all droppings and body excrement shall be placed in a fly proof container and double-bagged in plastic bags; and
   (E)   Maximum number of rabbits allowed is four. This provision does not refer to fowl.
(Ord. 14-8, passed 10-9-2014)