For the purpose of this chapter the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning:
TAXICAB. Any motor vehicle seating nine or fewer passengers operated on any street or highway on call or on demand, accepting or soliciting passengers indiscriminately for hire between the points along streets or highways as may be directed by the passenger so being transported, whose place of business is within the corporate limits of the town, and shall not include motor vehicles or motor vehicle earners as defined in G.S. Chapter 62.
(Ord. 14-6, passed 10-9-2014)
Every person operating taxicabs within the town shall observe and charge only the rates established from time to time by the Board of Commissioners and filed in the office of the Town Clerk. No charge shall be made for children under six years of age when accompanied by an adult. The fares established shall be conspicuously and permanently posted inside the taxicab in reasonable view of all passengers.
(Ord. 14-6, passed 10-9-2014)