The composition, structure, powers and duties of the Parks Commission shall be those set out as follows:
   (A)   Membership. The Parks Commission members shall exemplify and take an active interest in the town parks, tree resource management, recreation, open space, and greenway programs through active involvement. Additionally, where possible, appointments shall be made in such a manner as to maintain on the Parks Commission at all times a majority of members who have experience with and knowledge of parks, recreation, open space, greenways, tree resource management, planning and development.
   (B)   Composition. The Parks Commission shall be comprised of seven members appointed as follows:
      (1)   Six members: One member to represent each neighborhood with an established Property Owners Association (POA); and
      (2)   One member to represent the Planning Board.
   (C)   Term. Members shall be appointed for three-year, staggered terms. Initial appoints shall consist of three members with three-year terms, two members with two-year terms, and two members with one-year terms.
   (D)   Duties. The Parks Commission shall have the following duties:
      (1)   Study and make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners for possible implementation of parks, tree source management, recreation, open space, and greenway plans, policies, or initiatives.
      (2)   Educate the general public about the town’s parks, recreation, open space, and greenway programs.
      (3)   Provide assistance necessary to help promote the development of the parks, recreation, open space, and greenway plans as approved by the Board of Commissioners.
      (4)   Review and make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners, in conjunction with the Planning Board, on development tracts which involve the dedication of a component of the town’s parks, recreation, open space, or greenway system.
      (5)   Seek sponsors and grants to help develop the parks, recreation, open space, and greenway system of the town in accordance with master plans and policies adopted by the Board of Commissioners.
      (6)   To study issues and make recommendations regarding the needs of the town in connection with tree resource management.
      (7)   To develop recommendations pertaining to policies and regulations related to tree resource management.
      (8)   To assist the Board of Commissioners with creating, collecting and distributing information to the public regarding tree resource management.
      (9)   To provide information regarding the planting and maintenance of trees on public and private lands.
      (10)   To assist with the coordination of the town’s Arbor Day program, grants and other similar programs as requested by the Board of Commissioners.
   (E)   The Parks Commission shall meet at least quarterly, and all meetings shall be open to the public. Proceedings of the Commission shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order. A record shall be maintained of its members’ attendance, discussions, findings and recommendations, all of which shall be public records. A majority of the sitting members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the taking of official action.
(Ord. 18-4, passed 9-14-2017; Am. Ord. 24-2, passed 5-13-2024)