A.   Certification And Approval Of Plans And Plats: No land in the city shall, after the effective date hereof, be subdivided into lots, or lots and blocks, or plat thereof filed for record, nor any street laid out, nor any improvements made to the land, nor any improvements made to streets, alleys or sidewalks until the plat or plans of the subdivision or street improvements shall have been certified to and approved by action of the city council. This approval must be in writing and placed on the original tracing of the final plat according to the procedure outlined hereafter.
   B.   Sale Of Lots: No lot, tract or parcel of land within any subdivision shall be offered for sale nor shall any sale, contract for sale, or option be made or given until such subdivision plans have been officially approved by the city.
   C.   Improvements: No improvements, such as sidewalks, water supply, storm water drainage, sewerage facilities, gas service, electric service, or grading, paving or grading of streets shall hereafter be made within any subdivision by any owner or his agent until the plats for the subdivision and also the plans for improvements thereto have been officially approved by the city council.
   D.   Variances And Exceptions: The city council may vary and make exceptions as set forth herein in instances where there is sufficient evidence, in its opinion, of hardship caused by topographic conditions, or where any other reasonable deterrents prevail.
   E.   Division Into Lots: Whenever the area is divided into lots containing one to three (3) acres, inclusive, and there are indications that such lots will eventually be resubdivided into smaller building lots, consideration shall be given to the street and lot arrangement of the original subdivision so that additional minor streets can be opened which will permit a logical arrangement of smaller lots. (Ord. 1078, 8-20-1984)