A.   Blocking Public Ways: No railroad corporation conductor, engineer, station agent or other person having charge of any train, engine, car, tender or caboose shall permit the same to stand upon or across any traveled street in the city longer than five (5) minutes at any one time and, after opening such street or removing the cars therefrom, shall not again obstruct the same by running or placing any such train, engine, car, tender or caboose thereon until all persons and vehicles waiting at such street shall have a reasonable time to cross said railroad track.
   B.   Sounding Signal Device: No engineer or other person shall start any train or engine within the city limits without first ringing the bell or sounding the whistle of his engine a reasonable time before starting the same.
   C.   Penalty: Every railroad corporation engineer, conductor, agent or other person violating the provisions of subsection A or B of this section shall be fined as provided in section 1-4-1 of this code. (Ord. 21, 11-10-1899; amd. 2006 Code)