A.   Evidence: Personnel shall thoroughly search for, collect, preserve, and identify evidence of persons, property, and locations in any arrest or investigation.
   B.   Reports: Personnel shall promptly submit such reports as are required by the performance of duty or by constituted authority.
   C.   Notice Of Criminal Activities: All personnel shall notify the chief of police of any information regarding criminal activities.
   D.   Approval For Outside Correspondence: Personnel shall not enter into official department correspondence with anyone or any agency outside the department, except with the approval of the chief of police.
   E.   Telephone Conversations Outside City: All official department communication, by phone, outside the city without the permission of a supervisor is prohibited.
   F.   Public Criticism Of Department: Officers shall not publicly criticize or ridicule the department, its policies or other officers by speech, writing or other expression, when such will cause the public to lose confidence in the department.
   G.   Department Representatives Addressing Public: When acting as representatives of the department, officers shall have proper authority before they address public gatherings, appear on radio or television, prepare any articles for publication, act as correspondents to a newspaper or a periodical release, or divulge investigative information or any other matters of the department. Officers may lecture on police or other related subjects only with the prior approval of the chief.
   H.   Destruction, Removal Of Official Notices: Personnel shall not destroy, deface or remove any official written notice or directive relating to the department. The posting of or circulation of any notices of a nonofficial, derogatory character relating to any person, group or police activity is prohibited.
   I.   Possession Of Keys: Personnel shall not possess keys pertaining to city business or obtained under departmental authority, not their own, without the approval of the chief of police. (Ord. 1017, eff. 4-16-1981)