A.   Examples Of Failure To Perform Duty: There shall be no failure to give suitable attention to the performance of duty. Examples include, but are not necessarily limited to, failure to take appropriate action on the occasion of a criminal offense, disorder or other act or condition deserving police attention, absence without leave, failure to report to duty at the time and place designated, unnecessary absence from one's assignment during the tour of duty, sleeping while on duty, failure to perform duties or comply with any rule or regulation, or failure to conform to department operating policies and procedures.
   B.   City Request To Interview Examining Physician: Personnel shall not be absent from work without permission or abstain wholly or in part the full performance from one's duties in one's normal manner without permission. To this end, employees claiming physical or mental incapacity relating to their employment shall honor the request of the city or its agent(s) to be periodically interviewed as to the nature and extent of a claimed injury or illness and/or submit to an examination of the claimed physical/mental incapacity by an individual chosen by the chief of police or his designated agent or, in the alternative, any individual chosen by the employee claiming the incapacity. In either event, the examining party must be licensed by the state to conduct such examinations, and the results of the examination shall be made totally available to both the employee and the chief of police. Failure to honor such a request shall be violative of this rule.
   C.   Permission To Terminate Assigned Duty: Personnel shall not terminate any duty assignment, unless properly relieved or dismissed by constituted authority.
   D.   Maintain Good Physical Condition: All officers of the department shall maintain good physical condition. The chief may at his discretion require a physical examination of any officer and certification as to his ability to perform his duties. (Ord. 1017, eff. 4-16-1981)