Principal or accessory buildings shall be erected, altered, moved or maintained only in accordance with the maximum height of building regulations as established in this Code, except that the following structures may be permitted above the aforesaid limitation:
   (a)   Chimneys, church spires, cupolas, domes, towers, solar collector panels, flag poles, water tanks, radio or television antennae, free-standing residential wind turbines provided they do not exceed forty-five (45) feet in height, roof mounted wind turbines provided they do not exceed ten (10) feet above the top roof peak of a home, monuments and other permitted mechanical appurtenances located upon or constructed as an integral part of the main building may exceed the above height regulations.
   (b)   Governmentally-owned freestanding water tanks, towers, radio or television antennae and flag poles may also exceed the above height regulations.
      (Ord. 8-13. Passed 5-14-13.)