1262.01 INTENT.
   Single-Family Residential Districts (R-1 and R-2) and their regulations are established in order to achieve, among others, the following purposes:
   (a)   To regulate the bulk and location of dwellings, accessory buildings and other structures to obtain proper privacy and useable open spaces on each lot appropriate for the various districts.
   (b)   To regulate the density and distribution of population to avoid congestion and the overburdening of existing and proposed community facilities and public services.
   (c)   To foster a variety of residential living unit types while protecting the character of Carlisle.
   (d)   To provide for proper location of dwellings in relationship to multi-family, commercial and industrial uses so as to increase the general convenience, safety and amenities within the community and to protect residents from nuisances.
   (e)   To provide for limited small-scale community facilities when such uses are designed and located to be compatible with the residential neighborhood.
   (f)   To provide proper spacing between buildings to ensure adequate access for fire and other emergency vehicles and equipment.
   (g)   To protect the desirable characteristics and promote the stability of existing residential development.
   (h)   To carry out the following specific purposes:
      (1)   The R-1 Low Density Single-Family District is established to encourage the creation and preservation of low-density single-family residential neighborhoods and to limit the establishment of non-residential uses to those that are compatible with the intended low-density neighborhood character. The stipulated density is intended to provide for areas of suburban character in the community.
      (2)   The R-2 Single-Family District is established to promote, preserve and protect medium-low density predominantly single-family neighborhoods in Carlisle.
   (i)   To promote the most desirable and beneficial use of the land in accordance with the objectives of the Carlisle Comprehensive Plan.
      (Ord. 8-13. Passed 5-14-13.)