(a)   Commercial Lighting /Private Residential Lighting.
      (1)   Lights may be pole-mounted or wall-mounted lighting.
      (2)   New installations and modifications to existing lighting shall be accompanied by a photometric analysis showing the illumination levels at all strategic points within the site, including parking lots, entranceway areas, sidewalks and lot lines common with residential areas.
      (3)   Stray lighting from on-site generated sources shall not exceed 0.1 footcandle at the property line. Diffusers, lenses or shields may be used to meet this requirement.
      (4)   No light shall be emitted above a horizontal line parallel to the ground. In order to achieve total cutoff at 90 degrees, a luminaire shall emit maximum candlepower at an angle not exceeding 75 degrees.
      (5)   High pressure sodium (IRS) or metal halon shall be used.
      (6)   Poles shall be aluminum.
      (7)   No activity on private property shall generate light that creates a nuisance to surrounding property, as determined by the Zoning Inspector.
      (8)   Lighting fixtures, wiring and pole designs shall be uniform throughout the subdivision/development.
      (9)   For a reason other than monetary, the Planning Commission may grant an exception to these requirements.
   (b)   Street Lighting.
      (1)   As a minimum, street lights shall be located at every intersection and at the neck of every cul-de-sac.
      (2)   Street light pole standards and fixtures shall be selected by the developer; however, aluminum or fiberglass poles must be used unless the utility company certifies to the Manager that a wooden pole is necessary for safety reasons.
      (3)   If the developer chooses to erect decorative style “coach” lighting with the development, in addition to the standard specified in division (b)(1) of this section, street lights shall be located such that the average spacing is no more than every 150 feet. For taller , more traditional “cobra head” designs, in addition to the standard specified in division (b)(1) of this section, street lights shall be located such that the average spacing is no more than every 250 feet.
      (4)   High pressure sodium (HPS) shall be used for all street lighting in residential development in wattages approved by the Municipal Engineer.
      (5)   Construction of street lighting shall not begin until approval is obtained from the Municipal Engineer. Subdividers shall pay all costs of construction for street lighting, establishing electrical service and initial electrical power charges. The Municipality shall assume the cost of providing the necessary electrical power when the street lighting, poles, wiring and fixtures have been installed and accepted by the Municipal Engineer.
      (6)   No activity on private property in a residential area shall generate light that creates a nuisance to surrounding property, as determined by the Zoning Inspector.
   (c)   Definitions.
      (1)   “Commercial.” A business development with large numbers of pedestrians and a heavy demand for parking during peaks, or a sustained high pedestrian volume and a continuously heavy demand for off-street parking during business hours.
      (2)   “Residential.” A residential development, or a mixture of residential and commercial establishments, characterized by few pedestrians and a low parking demand or turnover at night. This definition includes areas with single-family homes, townhouses, and/or small apartments. Regional parks, cemeteries and vacant lands are also included.
         (Ord. 19-06. Passed 6-13-06.)