(a)   Fire hydrants are installed for the exclusive use of the Fire Department and such use shall not in any way be interfered with. All illegal connections, hoses, meters and/or devices attached to any hydrant will be confiscated, as well as all unauthorized wrenches used to operate the hydrant.
   (b)   The Service Director is the person responsible for maintenance and repairs of fire hydrants and, as such, is the only one with the authority to shut off and turn on service to any fire hydrant. The only exception to the authority to turn on and shut off fire hydrants is the authority of the Fire Chief to authorize turning on or off service or ordering the diverting water to more effectively fight a fire. Violators of this provision shall be subject to a damages charge as well as being liable to prosecution under both Municipal and Ohio law.
   (c)   No person, except an authorized agent of a fire department or the Municipality, or a permit holder during the term and at the location of the hydrant for which permit has been issued; shall make use of a fire hydrant. At the discretion of the Municipality, a special permit may be issued for the use of a fire hydrant for securing a supply of water for construction or other special purposes where a permanent supply or connection shall not be required. Upon issuance of a permit by the Municipality, water may be taken from fire hydrants fitted with special gate valves and meter supplied and installed by the Municipality. Prior notification of twenty four hours is needed to assure availability of personnel and the meter. Prior to the issuance of such permit, a hydrant meter deposit must be posted. The holder of the permit shall be responsible for the hydrant and meter and shall pay the fees and charges provided for in Chapter 1040. Any damage incurred by the meter shall be the responsibility of the permit holder and paid to the Municipal Utility Office upon billing to effect repair to the meter, normal wear excepted. Violators of this provision shall be subject to a damages charge as well as being liable to prosecution under both Municipal and Ohio law.
   (d)   If a fire hydrant is damaged by any person, intentionally or unintentionally, such person or persons shall be responsible for all costs and expenses incurred by the Municipality in making the necessary repairs and corrections.
   (e)   All fire hydrants will be as specified by the Municipality. No private fire hydrant shall be set without the inspection and approval of the Municipality. All fire hydrants shall have watch valves and shall not be installed on water lines smaller than six inches. Location of hydrants shall be approved by the Municipality. Fire hydrants shall be furnished by the developer or the owner.
   (f)   Whenever it becomes necessary to shut off service to any fire hydrant or whenever service to any fire hydrant is turned back on after having been shut off, the person ordering the action shall notify the Municipal Administration and Fire Department as soon as possible, but not later than twelve hours after such act. Failure to report such fact to the persons mentioned within the twelve hour limit may be considered a neglect of duty on the part of that person and thereby may subject him to disciplinary action, including dismissal.
   (g)   Fire service connections may be made upon submission of a written application for such service and upon approval of the plans for such connection by the Municipality.
   (h)   Private fire service inside buildings shall be dry type or wet type systems equipped with approved fire detector meters. Construction of a private interior fire service cannot proceed until plans therefore have been filed with the Municipality and written permission for construction thereof has been received.
   (i)   Each housing, business or commercial unit having privately owned and maintained fire service mains and hydrants shall be charged an availability fee for such service as provided for in Chapter 1040.
   (j)   The following standard minimum size mains shall be used for hydrant supply for all construction:
      (1)   For residential districts, eight inch (8"), except that a six inch (6") main can be used where it completes a good gridiron, but in no case in blocks 400 feet or more in length; and
      (2)   For commercial and industrial zoning districts, eight inch (8") and twelve inch (12"), the smaller size main to be used only in sections where it completes a good gridiron and the larger size main to be used for long lines not cross connected. Hydrant spacing in such districts shall not exceed 300 feet between hydrants.
   (k)   A fire service branch from the main shall not be used for other than fire fighting purposes. It shall be the responsibility of the owners of the property served, or their agents, to obtain permission from the Municipality in advance for using water from a fire protection service for any purposes, including fire drills and pressure testing of a protection system.
   (l)   No application for fire protections service branch shall be accepted which has a carrying capacity of more than fifty percent of the carrying capacity of the water main to which it is connected.
   (m)   There shall be no charge for water used for firefighting purposes.
   (n)   All fire protection systems shall have a backflow prevention device installed within the system. The type of backflow preventer and location shall be shown on the plans and approved by the Municipality.
   (o)   Fire service lines when used only for furnishing water for fighting fires either through private hydrants or a sprinkler system, are required to be metered but will not be charged for usage in the event of a fire. The plans shall show projected flow rates for the fire protection system and the estimated size of meter needed.
   (p)   No changes, alterations or extensions of any fire protection system shall be made without first securing approval from the Municipality. Application for same shall be made in writing prior to starting work.
   (q)   Pipe lines intended for fire protection shall not be tapped or used for the general supply of any building, structure or premises, unless specifically authorized by the Municipality and not until a meter has been installed.
   (r)   The Municipality will not be responsible for the furnishing and maintaining of any set amount of water at a given pressure or for the lack of service on limited fire service.
   (s)   If at any time a fire protection system is found to be in violation of any of the Municipality's "Rules and Regulations," all changes necessary to make said systems comply therewith must be made within thirty days after written notice to do so. A copy of the written notice will be sent to the interested insurance company, if known. Failure to comply as directed will result in discontinuance of service after a five day period.
   (t)   The use of drip or blow off valves for draining fire services shall be allowed only in cases of absolute necessity, and in no case shall their installation be permitted unless furnished with a valve, which shall be approved and sealed by the Municipality, and the end of every such pipe shall be exposed to view at all times. The size of drip or blow off pipes shall be as approved by the Municipality in each case.
   (u)   Before water service will be furnished to a private fire protection system, a pressure test satisfactory to the Municipality shall be made by the contractor and witnessed by a Municipal inspector. This test shall include all underground piping from the tapping valve to the building being served. After a satisfactory pressure test has been completed, two consecutive, passing bacteriological tests shall be made by the owner, at his expense, and they shall meet all drinking water standards prior to any water being supplied through this service.
(Ord. 25-10. Passed 12-14-10.)