(a)   The water tap at the Municipality's water main and the entire length of the service line from that tap to the property owner's building shall be known as the "service connection". New connections including the tap into a Municipal water main and installation of water service lines shall be made at the owners' expense and only by a person holding a valid plumber's license and having a surety bond on file with the Zoning Department in the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000) or more.
   (b)   No unauthorized person shall uncover, make any connection with, tap into, use, alter or disturb any part or appurtenance of the Municipality's water system. All consumers desiring a supply of potable water shall first make application with the Municipality for service. All permits with the payment of all applicable fees shall be obtained and paid for in advance of any physical connection to the Municipality's water system. A permit for such installation, extension, or alteration of water service shall be issued by the Zoning Official. The permit application shall be supplemented by any plans, specifications or other information considered pertinent in the opinion of the Municipality.
   (c)   Prior to the issuance of a permit, all fees and charges shall be paid by the property owner or the agent for the owner. These charges are subject to amendment by Council and are not to be construed as being fixed for an indefinite period of time:
      (1)   A tap in charge established pursuant to the Ohio Revised Code, for the privilege of connecting to the water system;
      (2)   An inspection fee to cover the cost of inspection by personnel of the Municipality for the building water service lateral;
      (3)   For water services, either a service connection fee or a meter set fee, whichever is applicable, to reimburse the Municipality for expenses incurred in providing water service to a property.
   (d)   Permits for water service laterals within a recorded section of a newly developed area will not be issued until construction of sanitary sewers and water mains within the development has been approved by the Municipality.
   (e)   Once the permit to install a service connection has been approved and prior to release of that permit should a street need to be opened a street opening permit shall be purchased from the Municipality for the site specified in the original application.
   (f)   No person constructing a water main or service connection to a water main shall leave the same in a condition to cause system contamination in any manner or to increase danger to traffic, pedestrian or vehicular.
   (g)   No water taps will be permitted until the connection into the sanitary sewer has been made. If sanitary sewer service is not available to the property, no water tap will be permitted until a septic tank permit is obtained from the Warren County or Montgomery County Health Department, whichever is applicable.
   (h)   The Municipality may refuse to issue a permit for a new service connection to the Municipality's system if there is a demonstrable lack of capacity in that portion of the system.
   (i)   The materials used for a service connection and the methods to be used in excavating, placing of pipe, testing and backfilling the trench shall conform to the requirements of these provisions, building and plumbing codes of the Municipality. In the absence of specific provisions or in amplification thereof, the materials and procedures set forth in appropriate specifications of the ASTM or appropriate Standards of the AWWA.
   (j)   All applications for a tap in permit shall be made by the owner or owners of the property to be served. Each application shall state:
      (1)   The address of the owner or owners of the property to be served by the proposed connection;
      (2)   The total number and types of buildings to be served by the permit;
      (3)   The type of service for which the application is being submitted; and
      (4)   The complete and full description of the proposed use of the premises on which such new installation, extension, or alteration of service is requested.
      (5)   Any other necessary information requested by the Municipality.
   (k)   Each service line shall consist of one corporation cock tapped into the main, a copper service pipe extending to the property line and one curb stop in the right-of-way and a cast iron service box protecting the service cock. Sizes and types shall conform to Municipal standards.
   (l)   Corporation Cocks. Corporation cocks shall be cast brass or bronze with Mueller thread and inserted in the main. The outlet end shall be fitted to receive copper tubing.
   (m)   Copper Tubing. Copper tubing for service lines shall be three fourths inch unless otherwise required and shall be seamless copper and shall meet U.S. Government Type K Specification WW T 799 or its latest revision.
   (n)   Curb cock shall be of cast brass or bronze, fitted to receive copper tubing. They shall be of the inverted key way with stop pins set for quarter turns for full opening.
   (o)   Service Boxes. Service boxes shall conform to Municipal standards. The lid shall be marked "WATER" and secured to the shaft with a brass or bronze bolt. The footpiece shall fit over the service cock.
   (p)   The tap at the main shall be made at an angle of forty five degrees above the horizontal. The tubing and curb stop shall be connected and water turned on. The trench shall not be backfilled until the service is inspected and all leaks corrected.
   (q)   No part of the corporation cock, the copper tubing or the service cock shall be less than forty two inches nor more than sixty inches below the finish grade.
   (r)   A separate service pipe must be laid from the main for each building, except that a service line may extend from the owner's house or place of business to his own barn or garage in the rear if desired. There shall be no combination between the curb line and the building of two or more water supply lines for the supply through a larger single line.
   (s)   The water service lateral shall be installed in the straightest alignment possible. Changes in direction shall be made gradually to prevent flow restrictions.
   (t)   Water services shall be laid on a solid ground bottom and shall have not less than three feet of ground or sand filling. When laid in a combined sewer and water trench, the service shall be laid on a shelf of solid ground not nearer than twelve inches to the side of the wall of the sewer trench.
   (u)   No water service shall be laid through any trench having cinders, rubbish, rock or gravel fill, or any other material which may cause injury to or disintegration of the service pipe, unless adequate means of protection are provided by sand filling or such insulation as may be approved by the Municipality. Service pipes passing through curb or retaining walls shall be adequately safeguarded by the provision of a channel space or pipe casing not less than twice the diameter of the service pipe. The space between the service pipe and the channel or pipe casing shall be filled and lightly caulked with oakum, mastic cement, or other resilient material, and made impervious to moisture.
   (v)   All tap ins or entries to the water system shall be made during the Municipality's regular work week. No tap in or entry to the system shall be made unless at least 24 hours notice of the date and time of such tap in or entry shall have been given to the Service Director. When the service connection from the water main to the curb cock is installed and the service line from the curb cock to the unit or units to be served is installed by the applicant, the Municipality shall then install a meter.
   (w)   No physical connection shall be maintained between any source of water or liquid and the Municipal water supply system. No spigot or outlet shall be physically connected to a drain or sewer.
   (x)   The water service lateral shall be installed in the straightest alignment possible. Changes in direction shall be made gradually to prevent flow restrictions.
(Ord. 25-10. Passed 12-14-10.)