The Municipality does not guarantee the water delivered as to quantity, quality, purity or temperature, these all being subject to the variable conditions which arise in the operation and maintenance of the Municipal water system, nor does it guarantee any fixed pressure or continuous supply as these are all subject to such conditions. Therefore no person shall enter a claim for damage against the Municipality or any officer thereof for damage to any pipe, fixture, or appurtenance by reason of interrupted water supply, or variation of pressure, or for damage of any nature whatsoever caused by the turning off or turning on, either wholly or partially, of the water supply for the extension, alteration, or repair of any water main or premises supply, or for the discontinuance of the premises' water supply for the violation of any provisions contained in or authorized by this chapter. The Municipality will, in case of an accident causing shortage or shut- off of the supply, endeavor to notify the consumers affected thereby. If no notice is given, the Municipality shall, in no manner, be held responsible for any consequences of such shut off.
(Ord. 25-10. Passed 12-14-10.)