(a) Earthwork.
(1) Road excavations. The roadway shall be excavated to conform to the cross sections shown on the plans. The subgrade shall be free of all foreign material (grass, roots, grubs, etc.) before being shaped and rolled in preparation for the base course. Soft and/or wet areas of the subgrade shall be stabilized with stone and/or properly drained before preparation for the base course is completed.
(2) Trench excavations. Excavations within a dedicated right-of-way for sewers, water, gas or electrical conduits over five feet in depth shall be shored or sheeted and braced in accordance with the latest edition of Chapter IC - 3 of the State Department of Industrial Relations and/or O.S.H.A. requirements relating to construction. Trenches shall be backfilled as follows:
A. Within a traveled roadway, trenches shall be backfilled with granular material. Granular material shall meet the requirements set forth in Section 203.02 of the O.D.T., except that slag and cinders shall not be used.
B. Outside the limits of a traveled roadway, trenches may be backfilled with excavated materials. However, the trench shall be backfilled with granular material to a point one foot above the top of the pipe or conduit.
C. All backfill material shall be compacted by mechanical or other approved means to the requirements of paragraph (a)(3) hereof.
(3) Embankment. Where a roadway, sidewalk or curb is built on a fill, the same shall be constructed by placing approved fill material in maximum eight inch lifts, as specified in this paragraph. From the surface of the subgrade to a point two feet below the surface of the subgrade, the embankment shall be compacted to at least ninety-five percent of the maximum density of the material, based on optimum water content of the material (AASHO Designation T-180-57 Method "C"), as determined by an independent testing laboratory, if determined necessary by the Municipal Engineer. The remainder of the embankment shall be compacted to at least ninety percent of the maximum density of the material, based on optimum water content of the material (AASHO Designation T-180-57 Method "C"), as determined by an independent testing laboratory, if determined necessary by the Municipal Engineer. The location and number of tests shall be determined by the Municipal Engineer.
The required test shall be paid for by the developer and additional tests may be required if subsequent circumstances occur rendering such required test inconclusive. Embankment shall be constructed according to the current requirements of the O.D.T., except as specified in this paragraph.
(b) Aggregate Base Material, O.D.T. 304.
(1) Materials. Aggregate base material shall consist of crushed limestone or crushed gravel composed of hard, durable particles of stone, shall not contain vegetable matter, refuse, clay balls or other deleterious material and shall be of such quality that it will compact thoroughly when watered and rolled to form a well bonded base. The mineral aggregate shall be of such size that the percentage composition by weight, as determined by laboratory sieves, shall conform to the following graduation:
Sieve Sizes | Percent By Weight Passing |
2" | 100 |
1" | 70-90 |
3/4" | 50-85 |
No. 4 | 25-60 |
No. 40 | 7-30 |
No. 200 | 0-15 |
When the mineral aggregate does not contain sufficient binder material to bond properly under the action of water and rolling, there shall be added to and incorporated in it a cementacious binder material of such size that it will pass a No. 4 sieve.
(2) Placing. The crushed aggregate base course shall be spread on a prepared subgrade in layers as indicated on the drawing set forth in subsection (h) hereof. Depositing and spreading the material on the roadbed shall commence at the point farthest from the point of loading and shall progress continuously without breaks. Dumping in piles on the subgrade is not permitted. The material shall be spread from the vehicle by approved spreading device or tailgated to the approval of the Municipal Engineer. The material shall be further spread by blading with a heavy blade grader with a wheel base not less than fifteen feet long. Each layer shall be thoroughly compacted as required under Item 304.04.
When the surface stability of the base cannot be obtained due to lack of fines, crushed fines produced from stone, gravel or slag shall be added to the upper portion of the course in an amount sufficient to secure surface stability. However, in no case shall the quantity of fines added be sufficient to increase the percent passing the No. 200 sieve to more than ten percent in the upper portion.
(3) Compaction. Rolling of the material in each layer with an eight to ten-ton power roller or a pneumatic tired roller shall commence immediately after it has been spread in the roadbed.
Rolling shall commence at the outer edge of each course and progress toward the center.
In narrow base widening areas or other areas inaccessible to the rollers specified in this paragraph, the necessary compaction shall be done with a trench roller or by hand tamping.
The aggregate base shall be rolled until it is thoroughly compacted and true to grade and cross section. Whenever directed by the Municipal Engineer, additional water shall be applied during the rolling.
Ruts, holes, defects or soft yielding places which occur in the subgrade by reason of improper drainage conditions, traffic or hauling over the same, or from any other cause, shall be corrected and rolled until firm and smooth before the aggregate base is placed thereon.
(c) Bituminous Tack and Prime Coats.
(1) Materials. Bituminous materials shall meet the requirements of the O.D.T., Section 702, as follows:
A. Tack coat used on existing paved surfaces shall be 702.02, RC-70 or RC-250 in the amount shown on the drawing set forth in subsection (h) hereof.
B. Prime coat used on the aggregate base course shall be 702.09, RT- 2 or RT-3 in the amount shown on such drawing.
(2) Equipment. All equipment, tools, machinery, etc., shall be subject to the approval of the Municipal Engineer and shall be maintained in a satisfactory working condition at all times.
A bituminous distributor shall have pneumatic tires of such width and number that the load produced on the base surface does not exceed 650 pounds per inch of tire width. The distributor shall be so designed and equipped as to distribute the bituminous material uniformly at even heat on variable widths of surface at readily determined and controlled ranges of from one-tenth to two gallons per square yard.
Distributor equipment shall include an independently operated bitumin pump, a tachometer, a pressure gauge, a volume measuring device, a thermometer for reading the temperature of the contents of the tank and a hose attachment for applying bituminous material to spots unavoidably missed by the distributor.
The distributor shall be equipped for circulation and agitation of the bituminous material during the heating process. The distributor shall be equipped with an approved heating system consisting of heat flues having sufficient radiation to ensure the rapid circulation of hot gasses from the burners. The burners shall be smokeless and of the torch generating type.
(3) Weather limitations. No bituminous material shall be placed when weather conditions are such that proper spreading, finishing and bonding may not be obtained. Temperature requirements may be waived, but only when so directed by the Municipal Engineer, and only to the extent that they do not exceed those limitations as outlined in O.D.T., Sections 407.05 and 408.04.
(4) Protection of structures. The contractor shall exercise care to protect the surface of curbs, gutters and other concrete work from being unnecessarily marred during the application of bituminous materials.
(5) Application of bituminous material. The application of the bituminous material shall be by means of a pressure distributor of an approved type, as specified in this subsection, and at the temperature specified. The material shall be so applied that uniform distribution is obtained at all points of the surface to be treated. All spots unavoidably missed by the distributor shall be properly treated with bituminous material. Following the application of material, the surface shall be allowed to dry for not less than twenty-four hours without being disturbed, or for such additional period of time as may be necessary to secure penetration into the foundation course and drying out or evaporation of the volatiles from the material, which period shall be determined by the Municipal Engineer.
(d) Seal Coat, O.D.T. 409.
(1) Materials. Materials shall meet the requirements of the O.D.T., Sections 702 and 703, or the following:
A. Bituminous material to be used on existing paved surfaces shall be RSA-M or equal.
B. Cover aggregate shall be No. 8 in the amount shown on the drawing set forth in subsection (h) hereof.
(2) Equipment. All equipment, tools, machinery, etc., shall be subject to the approval of the Municipal Engineer and shall be maintained in satisfactory working condition at all times.
The bituminous distributor shall have pneumatic tires of such width and number that the load produced on the base surface does not exceed 650 pounds per inch of tire width. The distributor shall be so designed and equipped as to distribute the bituminous material uniformly at even heat on variable widths of surface at readily determined and controlled ranges of from one-tenth to two gallons per square yard.
Distributor equipment shall include an independently operated bitumin pump, a tachometer, a pressure gauge, a volume measuring device, a thermometer for reading the temperature of the contents of the tank and a hose attachment for applying bituminous material to spots unavoidably missed by the distributor.
The distributor shall be equipped for circulation and agitation of the bituminous material during the heating process. The distributor shall be equipped with an approved heating system consisting of heat flues having sufficient radiation to ensure the rapid circulation of hot gasses from the burners. The burners shall be smokeless and of the torch generating type.
(3) Weather limitations. No bituminous material shall be placed when weather conditions are such that proper spreading, finishing and bonding may not be obtained. Temperature requirements may be waived, but only when so directed by the Municipal Engineer, and to the extent that they do not exceed the limitations outlined in O.D.T., Section 409.04.
(4) Protection of structures. The contractor shall exercise care to protect the surface of curbs, gutters and other concrete work from being unnecessarily marred during the application of bituminous materials.
(5) Application of bituminous material. The application of the bituminous material shall be by means of a pressure distributor of an approved type, as specified in this subsection, and at the temperature specified. The material shall be so applied that uniform distribution is obtained at all points of the surface to be treated. All spots unavoidably missed by the distributor shall be properly treated with bituminous material. Following the application of the bituminous material, the cover aggregate shall be applied uniformly without ridges or laps at the specified rate, adjusted as directed by the Municipal Engineer, to produce a minimum of excess loose particles. Spreading shall be accomplished in such a manner that the tires of the truck or aggregate spreader at no time make contact with the uncovered or newly applied bituminous material.
(e) Asphalt Concrete, O.D.T. 404.
(1) Material. Asphaltic concrete shall meet the requirements of O.D.T., Item 404, Asphalt Concrete.
(2) Manufacture, delivery and installation. The manufacture, delivery and installation of asphalt concrete surface shall meet the requirements of O.D.T., Item 404, Asphalt Concrete.
(3) Protection of surface course. After the completion of the surface course, no vehicular traffic shall be permitted on the pavement until it has cooled sufficiently, and in no case in less than four hours, when normal summer temperatures prevail.
(f) Aggregate Berm Material, O.D.T. 411.
(1) Materials. Aggregate berm material shall consist of crushed limestone or crushed gravel composed of hard, durable particles of stone, shall not contain vegetable matter, refuse, clay balls or other deleterious material and shall be of such quality that it will compact thoroughly when watered and rolled to form a well bonded base. The mineral aggregate shall be of such size that the percentage composition by weight, as determined by laboratory sieves, shall conform to the following graduation:
Sieve Sizes | Percent By Weight Passing |
2" | 100 |
1" | 75-100 |
No. 4 | 25-60 |
No. 40 | 7-30 |
No. 200 | 0-15 |
All material retained on the No. 4 mesh sieve and larger shall be forty percent crushed.
When the mineral aggregate does not contain sufficient binder material to bond properly under the action of water and rolling, there shall be added to and incorporated in it a cementacious binder material of such size that it will pass a No. 4 sieve.
(2) Placing. The crushed aggregate berm material shall be spread on a prepared subgrade as indicated on the drawing set forth in subsection (h) hereof. Depositing and spreading the material on the roadbed shall progress continuously without breaks. Dumping in piles on the subgrade is not permitted. The material shall be spread from the vehicle by approved spreading devices or tailgated to the approval of the Municipal Engineer. The material shall be further spread by blading with a heavy blade grader. Each layer shall be thoroughly compacted as required under Item 411.03.
When the surface stability of the crushed aggregate cannot be obtained due to lack of fines, crushed fines produced from stone, gravel or slag shall be added to the upper portion of the course in an amount sufficient to secure surface stability. However, in no case shall the quantity of fines added be sufficient to increase the percent passing the No. 200 sieve to more than fifteen percent in the upper portion.
(3) Compacting. Rolling of the material with an eight to ten-ton power roller or a pneumatic tired roller shall commence immediately after it has been spread on the sub-base.
Rolling shall commence at the outer edge of each course and progress toward the center.
In narrow base widening areas or other areas inaccessible to the rollers specified in this paragraph, the necessary compaction shall be done with a trench roller or by hand tamping.
The aggregate base shall be rolled until it is thoroughly compacted and true to grade and cross section. Whenever directed by the Municipal Engineer, additional water shall be applied during the rolling, care being taken not to soften the subgrade.
Ruts, holes, defects or soft yielding places which occur in the subgrade by reason of improper drainage conditions, traffic or hauling over the same, or from any other cause, shall be corrected and rolled until firm and smooth before the aggregate base is placed thereon.
(g) Portland Cement Concrete Work.
(1) Cement. The cement used shall be one or more of the following types, as approved by the Municipal Engineer:
A. Normal Portland cement shall conform to the Standard Specifications for Portland Cement of the American Society for Testing Materials (C150-41).
B. High-early-strength Portland cement shall conform to the Standard Specifications of the American Society for Testing Materials (C-50 -41).
C. Air entraining Portland cement shall conform to Tentative Specifications for Air Entraining Portland Cement of the American Society for Testing Materials (C175-44T).
D. Either cement may be used, at the option of the contractor, but only one brand, grade or kind of cement shall be used in a given structure above the ground line, except upon written permission of the Municipal Engineer.
(2) Water. Water shall be clean and potable.
(3) Aggregates generally. In no case will the use of pit run or naturally mixed aggregates be permitted. Naturally mixed aggregates shall, in every case, be screened and washed and all fine and coarse aggregates shall be stored separately and kept clean.
(4) Coarse aggregate. Coarse aggregate shall consist of crushed stone, gravel or other inert materials having similar characteristics, subject to the approval of the Municipal Engineer. The particular type to be furnished shall be approved by the Municipal Engineer.
(5) Fine aggregate. Fine aggregate shall consist of natural sand, sand prepared from the product obtained by crushing stone, gravel or other inert materials having similar characteristics, subject to the approval of the Municipal Engineer. The particular type to be furnished shall be approved by the Municipal Engineer.
(6) Mixing, Conveying and Placing.
A. Mixing. At the option of the contractor, mixing may be accomplished by the use of modern, efficient, mechanical equipment on the job, at a central mixing plant or in transit. The type and capacity of the plant shall be subject to the approval of the Municipal Engineer. Unless otherwise permitted by the Municipal Engineer, materials shall be measured by weighing, except that sacked cement need not be weighed and water may be measured by volume. The weight of one sack of cement shall be taken as ninety- four pounds and the weight of one gallon of water as 8.33 pounds. The accuracy of all measuring devices shall be such that all quantities can be measured to within one percent of the desired amount. With any method of mixing, the speed of mixer drums and the volume of the mixed material per batch shall not exceed those recommended by the manufacturer for maximum efficiency.
The minimum time for mixing each batch, after all materials are in the mixer, shall be one minute.
Truck mixers shall be of the revolving drum type, watertight and so constructed that the concrete can be mixed to ensure a uniform distribution of materials throughout the mass. Each batch shall be mixed not fewer than fifty and not more than 150 revolutions of the drum, at the rate of rotation specified by the manufacturer as mixing speed. Any additional mixing shall be done at the slower speed specified by the manufacturer for agitation.
B. Conveying. The concrete shall be conveyed from mixer to forms as rapidly as practical by methods which will positively prevent the segregation or loss of ingredients. When central plan mixing is permitted, concrete shall be transported to the forms in agitating trucks. Use of chutes is permitted only with the written permission of the Municipal Engineer. Retampering of concrete which has partially hardened is not permitted.
C. Placing. Concrete shall be placed on a damp subgrade to prevent loss of moisture. If the subgrade is dry, it shall be sprinkled well in advance of placing the concrete with as much water as it will readily absorb. Concrete shall not be placed on soft, muddy or frozen subgrade.
The concrete shall be well compacted and thoroughly worked into all corners and angles of forms, around all embedded items and along all form surfaces to secure smooth, even, finished surfaces, free from aggregate pockets or honeycombs.
Concrete shall not be placed when the atmospheric temperature is below thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit or when the concrete is likely to be subject to freezing temperatures before final set has occurred, unless specifically authorized by the Municipal Engineer in writing. When so authorized, the materials shall be heated in order that the temperature of the concrete, when deposited, is not less than fifty degrees Fahrenheit or more than eighty degrees Fahrenheit. All methods and equipment for heating are subject to the approval of the Municipal Engineer.
(7) Strength. It is anticipated that the following average strength should be obtained with the mix specified:
A. Seven days - 2,800 pounds per square inch; and
B. Twenty-eight days-4,000 pounds per square inch.
(8) Finishing and curing. Unless otherwise specifically authorized by the Municipal Engineer, the type and method of finishing and curing of the various items of concrete work shall conform to the O.D.T.
(9) Joints. Joints in concrete work shall be constructed in conformity with the details shown on the drawings. Joints shall be constructed in the locations indicated on the drawing set forth in subsection (h) hereof, as directed by the Municipal Engineer.
(10) Forms. Construction forms shall be set true to line and grade and shall be well supported throughout so that there will be no sagging, twisting or bending. Forms shall have a depth equal to the thickness of the concrete at the edge. When set to grade, the maximum deviation of the top of the forms from a straight line shall not exceed one-eighth of an inch in ten feet and shall be so maintained until the concrete has set. The type of form and method of support are subject to the approval of the Municipal Engineer.
Coating forms shall be coated with nonstaining mineral oil, which shall be applied shortly before the concrete is placed.
Forms shall be removed in such a manner as will prevent injury to the concrete. (Adopting Ordinance)
(h) Standard Drawings. The following standard drawing is for the guidance of the developer and shall be considered as a part of this chapter.
(Ord. 8-92. Passed 4-28-92.)
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