(a)   Any person aggrieved in any manner by an unfair real property practice may file a written complaint, under oath, setting forth his or her grievance, with the Human Relations Commission. Such complaint shall state the name and address of the complainant and of the person against whom the complaint is brought and shall also state the alleged facts surrounding the alleged unfair real property practice. Such complaint shall be filed not more than thirty days after the alleged offense occurred, or it shall be barred.
   (b)   The Commission shall investigate, by such procedures as it may adopt, the facts surrounding the alleged offense. The Commission shall attempt to eliminate, by informal methods of conference, conciliation and persuasion, any area of misunderstanding between the complainant and the respondent, and by such means eliminate any practice which is not in compliance with this chapter. If the Commission finds, after investigation, that no probable cause exists to believe an offense has been committed, or if it finds that conciliation has disposed of the complaint, it shall make a note of such finding in its records and shall so notify the parties in writing.
   (c)   (1)   However, if probable cause is found as to an offense which cannot be resolved by conciliation, the Commission shall hold a hearing upon the complaint. At such hearing the Chairperson of the Commission shall preside. The rules of evidence in effect in the courts of the State shall apply. The Commission shall have the power to issue subpoenas for attendance at such hearings and shall do so upon the timely filing of written requests therefor by a party or his or her attorney. Such subpoenas shall be served in the same manner used by the Mayor's Court.
      (2)   No person shall be compelled to be a witness against himself or herself in any proceedings before the Commission.
      (3)   Upon completion of a hearing, the Commission shall file its written findings of fact. Each party shall be supplied with a copy of such findings.
   (d)   The complainant may thereafter take such additional legal steps as he or she deems appropriate, such as filing an action for specific performance or an injunction. However, the complainant may not file charges with the Law Director until the procedures outlined in divisions (a) to (c) of this section have been completed. If the complainant signs and files an affidavit with the Law Director after the Commission proceedings have been reported, the Law Director shall consult with the Commission before deciding whether or not to prosecute or dismiss such charges. The Commission shall give advice to the Law Director when requested by him or her.
(Ord. 17-70. Passed 11-12-70.)