(a)   The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to accept cash and other tangible property from the United States Government in accordance with the Comprehensive Drug Penalty Act of 1984; however, any acceptance of real estate by the Mayor shall be subject to approval by ordinance of Council.
   (b)   The Mayor is hereby directed to place all cash received into a special fund with the Fiscal Officer to be used solely for law enforcement purposes.
   (c)   All tangible property be brass tagged or assetted to the Police Department to be used solely for law enforcement purposes.
(Ord. 90-4. Passed 6-18-90.)
   (d)   The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to accept cash, vehicles and other property in accordance with the Contraband Seizure Forfeiture Act Ohio R.C. 2933.43; however, any acceptance of real estate by the Mayor shall be subject to approval by ordinance of Council.
   (e)   The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to place all cash received into a special law enforcement trust fund with the Fiscal Officer to be used solely for law enforcement purposes. Such fund shall be separate and apart from the special fund established in Resolution 90-1.
   (f)   All vehicles and property be assetted or brass tagged to the Division of Police to be used solely for law enforcement purposes, or sold and the proceeds from the sale deposited in the special law enforcement trust fund, as directed by the Chief of Police.
(Ord. 90-5. Passed 6-18-90.)