(a) All sewers and connections to the sanitary sewer shall be constructed as follows: all sewers shall meet Ohio Health Department regulations for materials used to make such sanitary sewer pipe connections, shall be not less than six inches internal diameter and shall be laid in an open trench in order to permit ventilation of the public sewer and all sewers, no trap shall be placed in any sewers except as provided for in Section 921.04(h).
(b) After the sewer is laid and is covered and used, it shall be inspected and approved by the Municipality or its authorized representative.
(c) Council is authorized and directed to adopt and enforce specifications and regulations in accordance with the provisions of this chapter for the purpose of providing control of the installation of sanitary sewer connections and the inspection thereof. The Municipality shall maintain an accurate and complete record of all permits issued for connections and inspections made of the construction of all sewers and connections with the sanitary sewer mains. They shall require the abandonment and removal of connections with the public sanitary sewers which violate this chapter.
(d) The building sewer shall be cast iron soil pipe, ASTM Specifications (A7475) or equal; vitrified clay sewer pipe, ASTM Specifications (C700-74) or equal; or other suitable material approved by the Village Administrator. Joints shall be tight and waterproof. Any part of the building sewer that is located within ten feet of a water service pipe, shall be constructed of cast iron soil pipe with leaded joints. Cast iron pipe with leaded joints may be required by the Village Administrator where the building sewer is exposed to damage by tree roots. If installed in filled or unstable ground, the building sewer shall be of cast iron soil pipe, except that non metallic material may be accepted if laid on a suitable concrete bed or cradle, as approved by the Village Administrator.
(e) The size and slope of the building sewer shall be subject to the approval of the Village Administrator, but in no event shall the diameter be less than four inches. The slope of such four inch pipe shall not be less than one-eight inch per foot.
(f) Whenever possible, the building sewer shall be brought to the building at an elevation below the basement floor. No building sewer shall be laid parallel or within three feet of any bearing wall, which might thereby be weakened. The depth shall be sufficient to afford protection from frost. The building sewer shall be laid at uniform grade and in straight alignment in so far as possible. Changes in direction shall be made only with the properly curved pipe and fittings.
(g) In all buildings in which any building drain is too low to permit gravity flow to the public sewer, sanitary sewage carried by such drain shall be lifted by approved artificial means and discharged into the building sewer.
(h) All excavations required for the installation of a building sewer shall be open trench work unless otherwise approved by the Village Administrator. Pipe laying and backfill shall be performed in accordance with the latest ASTM Specifications except that no backfill shall be placed until the work has been inspected.
(i) All joints connections shall be made gas tight and water tight. All joints in vitrified clay pipe or between such pipe and metal shall be made with approved hot-poured jointing material or other acceptable jointing material approved by the Village Administrator. Material for hot-poured joints shall not soften sufficiently to destroy the effectiveness of the joint when subject to a temperature of one hundred sixty degrees Fahrenheit, nor be soluble in any of the waste carried by the drainage system. The joint shall first be caulked tight with jute, hemp, or similar approved material.
(j) The connection of the building sewer into the public sewer shall be made at a suitable location. If the public sewer is twelve inches in diameter or less and no properly located trap is available, the owner shall at his own expense, install a tap in the public sewer at the locations specified by the Village Administrator. Where the public sewer is greater than twelve inches in diameter and no properly located tap is available, a neat hole may be cut into the pipe sewer to receive the building sewer. When making such connection, the end cut shall not extend past the inner surface of the inner sewer. The invert of the building sewer at the point of connection shall be at the same or at a higher elevation than the invert of the public sewer. A smooth, neat joint shall be made and the connection made secure and water tight by encasement in concrete. Special fittings shall be used for the connection, only when approved by the Village Administrator.
(k) The applicant for the building sewer permit shall notify the Village Administrator when the building sewer is ready for inspection and connection to the public sewer. The connection shall be made under the supervision of the Village Administrator or his representative.
(l) All excavations for building sewer installation shall be adequately guarded with barricades and lights so as to protect the public from hazard. Streets, sidewalks, parkways, and other public property disturbed in the course of the work shall be restored in a manner satisfactory to the Municipality.
(Ord. 95-7. Passed 6-19-95.)