Section 10-1-1 Adoption *
The following described documents including amendments thereto are hereby adopted by reference as the code for regulating the erection, construction, enlargement, alterations, repairs, moving, removal, demolition, conversion, occupancy, equipment use, height, area and maintenance of buildings, structures and improvements in the Town of Carefree and for regulating conditions and hazards to life and property from fire or explosions. Each and all of the following regulations, provisions, conditions and terms of the following described documents and amendments thereto are hereby referred to, adopted and made a part of Section 10-1-1 of Article 10-1 of the Carefree Town Code as though fully set forth therein unless any portion thereof is in conflict with the Town of Carefree Zoning Ordinance which shall take precedence:
   A.   "2018 International Building Code and Amendments" (collectively "IBC"); published by International Code Council, Inc.
   B.   "2018 International Residential Code and Amendments" (collectively "IRC"); published by International Code Council, Inc.
   C.   "2018 International Plumbing Code and Amendments" (collectively "IPC"); published by International Code Council, Inc.
   D.   "2017 National Electrical Code and Amendments" (collectively "NEC"); published by National Fire Protection Council, Inc.
   E.   "2018 International Mechanical Code and Amendments" (collectively "IMC"); published by International Code Council, Inc.
   F.   "2018 International Fire Code and Amendments" (collectively "IFC"); published by International Code Council, Inc.
   G.   "2018 International Energy Conservation Code and Amendments" (collectively "IECC"); published by International Code Council, Inc.
   H.   "2018 International Fuel Gas Code and Amendments" (collectively "IFGC"); published by International Code Council, Inc.
   I.   "2018 International Property Maintenance Code and Amendments (collectively "IPMC"); published by International Code Council, Inc.
   J.   "2018 International Existing Building Code and Amendments (collectively "IEBC"); published by International Code Council, Inc.
The IBC, IRC, IPC, NEC, IMC, IFC, IECC, IFGC, IPMC, IEBC, UADB and USP are "codes" within the meaning of A.R.S. section 9-801. The Town of Carefree Adobe Code and Conducting Blasting Operations Code are hereby declared to be a public record of the Town of Carefree. Three copies of each of the foregoing documents have been and shall remain on file in the office of the town clerk and kept available for use and inspection by the public during office hours.



*Ordinance 06-02; Amended by Ordinance 2022-02