(a) Each owner and each tenant or other person occupying a building or structure is responsible for litter produced, created, generated, or located in or about any building or structure within the Village.
(b) Each owner and each tenant or other person occupying a building or structure, or any portion of a building or structure within the Village, shall provide, obtain, or have lawful access to approved storage receptacles. The approved storage receptacles shall be of an appropriate size and sufficient number to hold the litter produced by, generated by, created by, or resulting from, activities on the property where the building or structure is located.
(c) All litter for collection shall be placed in an approved storage receptacle that can be readily handled for emptying.
(d) No person producing, creating, generating, or otherwise responsible for having any litter shall deposit, throw or place any such litter or allow it to remain on any street, alley, public place or ground, or upon the floor, stairway, or hallway of any building or structure within the Village; or into any stream, body of water, or into any sewer, catch basin, or other opening in such sewer in the Village. No person shall deposit or remove any litter in or from the Village except as provided in this chapter.
(Ord. 2007-12. Passed 7-16-07.)