Ord. No. Date Description
94-10 8-1-94 A 28.99 acre parcel known as the Wilhelm property zoned M-1 and a 4.93 acre parcel known as the Kenney property zoned R-1.
96-02 3-4-96 The recently annexed Minnich property zoned R-3.
00-23 Lot No. 309 Cunard St. from R-1 to B-1.
00-32 9-18-00 4.65 acres on Park St. from R-1 to PUD.
2002-32 11-16-02 36.675 acres at Williams St. and Township Road 132 from existing Township zoning to R-1.
2003-15 8-15-03 3.078 acres along County Road 124 zoned R-1.
2004-09 4-5-04 8.239 acres at the end of Kinsdale Drive from Planned District to Planned Unit District.
2005-25 9-6-05 .836 acre along State Route 42 zoned B-1.
2011-46 8-15-11 61.3638 acres on State Route 42 from Township zoning to B-1 and A-1.
2018-33 10-15-18 Parcel #C09-002-00-003-00, #C09-002-00-002-00, #C09-002-00-001-00 on Richelderfer Street and Parcel #C09-002-00-014-00 on West Williams from Existing Agriculture District to Special District (S-1).
2019-04 2-18-19 300 North Marion Street Parcel #C09-003-00-007-00 from Existing Residential (R1) to Residential (R3).
2019-32 11-18-19 1.58 acres on West Williams Street from existing Residential Zoning (R1) to General Business District (B-1).
2022-06 5-2-22 Park Avenue Parcel #’s C09-025-00-005-01 & C09-025-00-007-01 from existing Residential (R1) to Residential (R3).
2022-08 5-16-22 149 Richelderfer Parcel #’s C09-002-00-004-00 & C09-002-00-005-00 from existing Agricultural Residential District (A-1) to Single Family Residential District (R-1).
2023-39 1-16-24 Rezones 309 East Williams Street Parcel #’s C09-005-00-001-00 and C09-005-00-002-00 and C09-005-UK-002-01 from existing Single Family Residential District (R-1) to General Business District (B-1).