For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
(a)    "Dangerous or hazardous conditions" means:
(1)    A building or structure where the walls or other vertical structure members list, lean, or buckle to such an extent that it presents a danger to the occupants or other persons or property;
(2)    A building or structure which shows clear damage or deterioration of the foundation supporting member or members;
(3)    A building or structure which has improperly distributed loads upon the floor or roofs or structural supporting members or in which the same are overloaded, or which has insufficient strength to be reasonably safe for the intended use or occupation;
(4)    A building or structure which has:
A.    Become dangerous to the life, safety, or the health and welfare of the occupants or general public, or
B.    Deteriorated so as to substantially depreciate the value of the property in the vicinity, or
C.    Become a detriment to the general appearance of the Village.
(b)    "Owner" means the owner of record of the premises of fee or lesser estate therein, a mortgagee, vendee in possession, land contract purchaser, assignee of the rents, receiver, executor, administrator, trustee, or lessee, as determined by an examination of the public records of Morrow County, Ohio, or any other person, firm, or corporation in control of a building or structure, or their duly authorized agents.
(c)    "Public nuisance" means any underground container or storage tank, fence, wall, garage, shed, house, lot, building, structure, tree, pole, smoke stack or any excavation, basement, cellar, well, cistern, sidewalk subspace, walks, driveways, terrace, steps or parts thereof, if by reason of its condition it shall or may endanger the health, life, limb or property or cause any hurt, harm, inconvenience, discomfort, damage or injury in any one or more of the following particulars:
(1)    By reason of being detrimental to the general health of the community;
(2)    By reason of being a fire hazard;
(3)    By reason of being unsafe for occupancy, or use on, in, upon, about or around the above premises;
   Provided, however, if the building or structure is "subsidized housing" as defined in Ohio R.C. 3767.41(A)(7), then "public nuisance" shall be defined as in Ohio R.C. 3767 .41(A)(2)(b), as each of the same may be amended.
(d)    "Zoning Inspector" means the building official appointed to the position of Zoning Inspector, or a person designated to act on behalf of the Zoning Inspector. Any reference in this chapter to a director of a department includes any person designated by a director of that department.
   (Ord. 2009-08. Passed 4-6-09.)