(a)    Investigation.
      (1)    Upon a written complaint being filed with the Village that any canvasser, or any peddler has violated any provision of this chapter, the Village Administrator shall cause an investigation to be made into the complaint.
      (2)    If any person registered or licensed under this chapter is convicted of violating any provision of this chapter, the Village Administrator shall revoke the certificate of registration or license of that person.
      (3)    If the Village Administrator finds that any person registered under this chapter has made a material misstatement on an application filed under this chapter, the Administrator shall revoke the certificate of registration or license of that person.
   (b)   Revocation.
      (1)    If the Village Administrator finds that the complaint is true, the Village Administrator shall revoke the certificate of registration or license of such person.
      (2)    Immediately upon such revocation, the Village Administrator shall give written notice of the revocation to the holder of the certificate of registration or license in person or by certified U.S. mail addressed to his or her residence address as set forth in the application. Immediately upon the mailing of such notice, the certificate of registration or license shall become null and void.
         (Ord. 2006-06. Passed 6-5-06.)