(a) License Required: Effective Period: Revocation. No vendor or peddler shall sell or offer for sale any ice cream, frozen dessert, soft drink, candy, sandwich, nuts, novelty confection or similar foodstuff, on public rights-of-way within the Village without first obtaining a license from the Village prior to engaging in such selling or offering for sale, such license to be issued by the Village Administrator. Any license issued hereunder shall be valid for a period for one year from the date of issuance. Such license may be revoked for failure of the licensee or his agents or employees to comply with the terms of this chapter.
(b) Conditions of License: Fee. The license provided in this section shall be issued by the Village Administrator upon payment of a fee as established in Section 709.16, and upon compliance with the following conditions:
(1) License application: contents. Application for a license shall be made on forms provided by the Village Administrator. Each application shall contain, among other things, the name, address and the telephone number of the applicant completing the application; the name, address and telephone number of his/her employer, if any, for which he purports to act; the name of an officer of such employer, the nature of the goods or services for which he will be offering for sale; the proposed method of operation in the Village; a written commitment that such person(s) shall comply with Chapter 181 of the Codified Ordinances; and such other information as the Village Administrator may require. Such license shall not be used or represented in any way as an endorsement by the Village. No person who has been convicted of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or a felony shall be issued a license. No person who, within the two years immediately preceding application, has been found to have violated any provision of this chapter as a result of an administrative or judicial proceeding shall be issued a license under any section of this chapter.
(c) Stopping Vehicle or Sales. Vendors, peddlers or their agents or employees shall transact business only when the vehicle is stopped at the curbing or, if there is no curbing, when the vehicle is stopped at the right edge of the paved part of the right-of-way.
(Ord. 2006-06. Passed 6-5-06.)