(a)    Registration Required. No person shall act as a canvasser for charitable or religious purposes in interstate commerce at any residence without the invitation or previous consent of the owners or occupants without first having registered with the Village Administrator. No fee shall be required. However, the Fiscal Officer shall issue a registration certificate to each applicant and such certificate shall be carried on the person of the registrant at all times when engaged in such canvassing, solicitation or sales and shown on request of any police officer or any person of whom a request for contribution or offer to sell is made. Such registration shall not be used or represented in any way as an endorsement by the Village. Each canvasser or solicitor shall provide a written receipt and, if applicable, a statement attesting to the organization's exempt status under Chapter 501, or other similar section, of the Federal Internal Revenue Code if requested to do so by the person making a contribution or purchase. Such receipt shall show the name of the organization, amount of the contribution and the date and shall be signed by the solicitor.
   (b)    Registration Application: Contents. Application for a certificate of registration shall be made upon a form provided by the Village Administrator. Each application shall contain, among other information, the name, address and the phone number of the person completing the application; the name, address and telephone number of the charitable organization for which he purports to act; written evidence of the charitable nature of the organization; the name of an officer or other official of the charitable organization; the nature of the charitable or religious purpose to which the contributions, donations or sale proceeds will be applied; the nature of the goods or services for which he will take orders in the case if applicable; the compensation, if any, which he or other canvassers are to receive for their services at residences within the Village.
   (c)    Exceptions. The provisions of this section shall not apply to solicitations conducted only among the members of the entity or organization conducting the canvassing or to those in the form of collections or contributions at the regular assemblies, meetings, or services of any such charitable or religious organizations.
(Ord. 2006-06. Passed 6-5-06.)