(a)    No person who is registered or licensed under this chapter shall make or perpetrate any misstatement, deception, or fraud in connection with any conduct regulated under this chapter.
   (b)    No person who is registered or licensed under this chapter shall act in an obnoxious manner or use indecent, profane, or insulting language.
   (c)    No person who is registered or licensed under this chapter and who has agreed to canvass, solicit, or engage in other conduct regulated under this chapter on behalf of a religious or charitable organization shall fail to remit or pay to the party entitled to the proceeds of such regulated conduct in accord with the terms of the agreement.
   (d)    No person who is registered or licensed under this chapter shall make a material misstatement on any application filed under this chapter.
(Ord. 2006-06. Passed 6-5-06.)