(a)    The position of Zoning Inspector is hereby created. They shall be recommended by the Village Administrator, subject to the approval of the Mayor and Village Council. The Zoning Inspector shall be considered an at will employee and their immediate supervisor shall be the Village Administrator. The zoning inspector will receive such compensation and provide such assistance as the Council may provide.
   (b)   The Zoning Inspector shall have the following duties:
      (1)   Issue zoning permits when the Zoning Ordinance has been followed and all conditions met, or, refuse to issue same in the event of non-compliance.
      (2)   Enforce this Zoning Ordinance and take all necessary steps to remedy any condition found in violation by ordering in writing, the discontinuance of illegal uses or illegal work in progress, and request the Village of Cardington, Ohio, Solicitor to commence appropriate legal action when necessary.
      (3)   Keep the Commission and Council advised of all matters other than routine duties pertaining to the enforcement of this Zoning Ordinance, Applications, Appeals, Variances, Conditional Uses, and Exceptions, and transmit all applications and records pertaining to Amendments, Appeals, Variances, Conditional Uses, and Exceptions as required.
      (4)   Keep reports/photos of all non-conformity uses "grant fathered" into the system. Make and keep records on all Applications, Amendments, Appeals, Variances, Conditional Uses, and Exceptions and all issuances, denials and complaints. Said records should include all documentation and photos.
      (5)   Visit construction sites to verify that structures under construction are in compliance with this Zoning Ordinance, including all setback and maximum and minimum specifications.
      (6)   Present evidence and attend all Zoning Commission meetings.
      (7)   The Zoning Inspector shall also performed other duties as assigned
         (Ord. 2010-12. Passed 4-5-10.)
    (c)   The Zoning Inspector, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall give bond signed by a bonding or surety company authorized to do business in this State, or, at his option, signed by two (2) or more freeholders having real estate in the value of double the amount of the bond, in the amount specified by Cardington Council. Such surety company or real estate bond shall be approved by the Cardington Council and the bond shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance of such Zoning Inspector's official duties. Such bond shall be deposited with the Village Clerk.
   (d)   The Zoning Inspector shall be considered an at will employee and may be removed upon recommendation of the Mayor with the concurring vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the elected members of Council; or upon the vote of three-quarters (3/4) of the elected members.
(Ord. 97-3. Passed 5-19-97.)