(a) Following approval of the concept plan or the meeting with the Village of Cardington, Ohio, staff, a preliminary development plan may be submitted to the Village of Cardington Planning and Zoning Commission. Such plan shall contain the following information:
(1) The name, address and phone number of applicant.
(2) The name, address and phone number of registered surveyor, registered engineer and/or urban planner assisting in the preparation of the preliminary development plan.
(3) The legal description of the property.
(4) The property's present use(s).
(5) The present and proposed zoning classification.
(6) Proposed schedule for development of the site.
(7) North point and scale.
(8) Topography with a slope classification system.
(9) Existing roads, buildings, and permanent facilities.
(10) Jurisdictional boundaries.
(11) Easements, rights of way, abutting property boundaries.
(12) Physical features and natural conditions of the site including the location of substantial tree masses.
(13) Surface drainage and areas subject to flooding.
(14) Existing utility systems.
(15) The regional transportation system, if any.
(16) Proposed location and size of areas of residential use, indicating dwelling unit densities, dwelling unit types, the total number of dwelling units for each density area and the total number of dwelling units proposed in the development plan.
(17) The proposed location, size and use of nonresidential portions of the project, including usable open space, parks, playgrounds, school sites and other public areas and open spaces with the suggested ownership of such areas.
(18) The proposed provision of water, sanitary sewer and surface drainage facilities, including engineering feasibility studies or other evidence or reasonableness. All utility services shall be underground.
(19) The proposed traffic circulation patterns, including their relationship to topography and existing streets.
(20) The proposed schedule of site development, construction of structures and associated facilities. Such schedule shall include the proposed use or reuse of existing features such as topography, structures, streets, easements and other public improvements.
(21) A list containing the names and mailing addresses of all owners of property within 200 feet of the property in question.
(b) The application for the preliminary PUD shall be accompanied by a written statement by the developer setting forth the reasons why, in his or her opinion, the PUD would be in the public interest and would be consistent with the stated intent of these PUD requirements.
(Ord. 97-3. Passed 5-19-97.)