(a) (1) The minimum lot area for a single family dwelling in a PUD shall be 6,000 square feet. The minimum lot area for a two-family dwelling shall be not less than 6,000 square feet. There is no minimum lot area for a multi- family dwelling.
(2) The lot requirements of this section are the minimum size necessary for consideration as a PUD District. The Village Planning Commission may require a larger lot size.
(b) Lot width and setback and yard requirements may be varied to accommodate a variety of structural patterns, clustering designs and housing types.
(c) To provide for the availability of low and moderately priced rental and sale residences (as defined by current HUD income limit and utility allowance guidelines) within a PUD, the following uses may be permitted:
(1) A PUD plan proposing the inclusion of at least fifteen percent (15%) low income rental or sale dwelling units need not meet any minimum lot size requirements, provided that the total area of the residential development is equal to ninety percent (90%) of the total minimum lot size requirements for such a residential development as required by this Zoning Ordinance, and that buffering and screening devices are sufficient.
(2) A PUD plan proposing the inclusion of at least ten percent (10%) low income rental or sale dwelling units may receive a dwelling unit density fifteen percent (15%) in excess of the density requirement for the PUD.
(3) A PUD plan proposing the inclusion of at least ten percent (10%) moderate income rental or sale dwelling units may receive a dwelling unit density ten percent (10%) in excess ofthe density requirement for the PUD.
(4) Each property development in the PUD should abut common open space or similar areas, provided that any residential property not abutting such uses shall have well designed access to and shall be no more than 500 feet from such uses. (Ord. 97-3. Passed 5-19-97.)