Mobile home parks shall meet the following minimum requirements. Additional requirements may be required depending upon negotiation.
   (a)   Zoning District. R-4.
   (b)   Park Size. A mobile home park shall contain a minimum of 5 acres.
   (c)   Density. The maximum density shall not exceed 8 mobile homes per acre.
   (d)   Width and Depth. The minimum width of the mobile home development shall be not less than 250 feet. The ratio of width to depth shall not exceed one to five.
   (e)   Yards. All mobile homes or accessory buildings shall be located no closer than 50 feet from the front property lines, nor closer than 25 feet from the side or rear property line.
   (f)   Access. All mobile home parks should have access to adequate collector streets with a right of way not less than 60 feet in width.
   (g)   Streets. The design and construction of the interior street system shall conform to Village of Cardington, Ohio, street specifications. No street shall be located closer than 10 feet to any property line of a mobile home park.
   (h)   Sidewalks. All mobile home parks shall have paved sidewalks at least three feet in width on one side of parallel interior streets. A private sidewalk, with a minimum width of 2 feet from a mobile home to a roadway or the common sidewalk system, shall be required by the Commission and may vary relative to locations, intensity of use and location of recreational areas and service buildings.
   (i)   Recreation and Open Space. A safe, usable recreation area of at least 1,000 square feet per mobile home or ten percent (10%) of the gross land area of the mobile home park, whichever is greater, shall be reserved for recreational and open space uses. At least one-half of the required recreation and open space area shall be developed as one recreation area. This figure is in addition to any other open areas required by yard requirements or other sections of this chapter.
   (j)   Buffer or Screening. The outer boundaries of a mobile home park shall contain a buffer zone planted and maintained by the park operator. This buffer zone shall be composed of a green strip, not less than 10 feet in width, planted and maintained with an evergreen hedge of dense planting of evergreen trees or shrubs not less than 4 feet in height, located along all park boundaries.
(Ord. 97-3. Passed 5-19-97.)