All lands and uses within the Multi-Family Residence District (R-3) shall be developed in strict compliance with the standards herein established.
(a) Lot Area. Lots served by approved central water and sewer systems are required to have a minimum of 12,000 sq. ft. to be developed as single family residential and are required to have 4,000 sq. ft. per dwelling unit for multi-family development. No more than ten two family and/or townhouses or fourteen two story apartments per acre, net density, will be permitted.
(b) Lot Frontage. All lots or parcels developed within the district having an area of less than one (1) acre shall have a minimum lot width of one hundred (100) feet.
(c) Building Height Limits. No building in this district shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height measured from the finished grade established not closer than fifteen (15) feet to the exterior wall of the structure. Barns, silos, grain handling conveyors, church spires, domes, flag poles, elevator shafts, and windmills are exempted from any height regulation and may be erected to any safe height. No aerial, antenna or tower shall be constructed to a height greater than the distance from the center of the base thereof to the nearest property line.
(d) Building Dimensions. All apartments or other multi-family structures constructed within this district shall contain the following minimum floor space, to-wit:
One (1) bedroom unit 750 square ft.
Two (2) bedroom units 900 square ft.
Each Additional bedroom 100 square ft.
(e) Building Set Back . No building shall be located closer than thirty-five (35) feet to the right of way line of the adjoining street or road. If the right of way of the adjoining street or road is less than sixty (60) feet no building shall be located closer than sixty-five (65) feet to the center line of said road or street.
(f) Side Yard Setback. No building or structure shall be located closer than ten (10) feet to any side lot line.
(g) Rear Yard Requirement. No principal dwelling shall be located closer than forty (40) feet to the rear line of any lot and no accessory building shall be located closer than fifteen (15) feet to said rear lot line.
(h) Maximum Lot Coverage. On no lot or parcel in this zoning district shall buildings be constructed which cover more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the lot area.
(i) Parking. Off street parking consisting of 2 spaces per residential unit, shall be provided, at the time of construction of the main structure or building, with adequate provisions for ingress and egress.
(j) Signs. Except as provided under the provisions of this section for home occupations or as controlled by Section R-3 of this Ordinance and except as permitted by the Village of Cardington, Ohio, Planning and Zoning Commission incident to Conditional Uses, no signs shall be permitted in this district except a “For Sale” or “For Rent or Lease” sign advertising the tract on which the said sign is located. Such sign shall not exceed six (6) square feet in area per side.
The developer of a subdivision or similar area may, upon the condition and for the time period established by the Village of Cardington, Ohio, Planning and Zoning Commission, erect one sign not exceeding 32 square feet in area per side advertising said subdivision or development. (Ord. 97-3. Passed 5-19-97.)