All lands and uses within the Agriculture Residence District shall be developed in strict compliance with the standards hereinafter established.
   (a)   Lot Area. No parcel of land in this district shall be used for residential purposes which has an area of less than one (1) acre (43,560 square feet). All other uses in this district shall have lot area prescribed by the article permitting the use or as prescribed by the Village of Cardington, Ohio, Regional Planning and Zoning Commission as a condition of said use.
   (b)   Lot Frontage. Except as hereinafter set forth, all lots or parcels within this zoning district shall have the following minimum lot frontage on a public road:
Less than 2 acres
150 feet
2 acres but less than 3 acres
175 feet
3 acres but less than 4 acres
200 feet
4 acres but less than 5 acres
250 feet
5 acres or larger
300 feet
      (1)   Lots or parcels having less than the above listed minimum frontages on the right of way line of the adjoining public road or street must have a lot width fifty (50) feet forward of the building line which is equal to that minimum lot frontage requirement. In no case shall the parcel or lot frontage at the right of way line be less than sixty (60) feet and width of the sixty (60) feet shall not be decreased at any point forward of the building line of the principal residence located on the premises.
      (2)   If an irregularly shaped lot (i.e. pie-shaped) located on a curve or cul de sac widens to the minimum lot width within 75 feet of the right of way line of the adjoining roadway, the requirement for extra setback shall conform with setback lines for principal structures on adjoining lots.
   (c)   Building Height Limits. No building in this district shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height measured from the finished grade established not closer than fifteen (15) feet to the exterior wall of the structure. Barns, silos, grain handling conveyors, church spires, domes, flag poles, elevator shafts, and windmills are exempted from any height regulation and may be erected to any safe height. No aerial, antenna or tower shall be constructed to a height greater than the distance from the center of the base thereof to the nearest property line of said tract.
   (d)   Building Set Back. No building shall be located closer than fifty (50) feet to the right of way line of the adjoining street or road. If the right of way of the adjoining street or road is less than sixty (60) feet, no building shall be located closer than eighty (80) feet to the center line of said road or street.
   (e)   Side Yard Set Back. No building or structure shall be located closer than twenty- five (25) feet to any side lot line.
   (f)   Rear Yard Requirement . No principal dwelling shall be located closer than eighty (80) feet to the rear line of any lot and no accessory building shall be located closer than fifteen (15) feet to said rear lot line.
   (g)   Maximum Lot Coverage. On no lot or parcel in this zoning district shall a building be constructed which covers more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the lot area.
   (h)   Parking. Off street parking shall be provided, at the time of construction of the main structure or building, with adequate provisions for ingress and egress according to the performance standards set forth in this Zoning Ordinance.
   (i)   Signs. Except as provided under the provisions of this Zoning Ordinance and except as permitted by the Village of Cardington, Ohio, Planning and Zoning Commission incident to Conditional Uses, no signs shall be permitted in this district except a “For Sale” or “For Rent or Lease” sign advertising the tract on which the said sign is located. Such sign shall not exceed six (6) square feet in area on each side.
   The developer of a subdivision or similar area may, upon the condition and for the time period established by the Village of Cardington, Ohio, Planning and Zoning Commission, erect one sign not exceeding 32 square feet in area per side advertising said subdivision or development.
(Ord. 97-3. Passed 5-19-97.)